Publication Date2022-06
A Dynamic Substrate Pool Revealed by cryo-EM of a Lipid-Preserved Respiratory Supercomplex
Jeon, T.J.; Seong-Gyu Lee; Yoo, S.H., et al
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, v.36, no.16-18, pp.1101 - 1118
Publication Date2024-11
An approach to breaking the 100-milli-Kelvin barrier in electron temperature with a dilution-refrigerator ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope
Ungdon Ham; Hyeonjung Kim; Ji-Soo Yoon, et al
Review of Scientific Instruments, v.95, no.11
Publication Date2020-04
An Efficient Switching-Off of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering via Double Stimulated Raman Scattering Processes of Heteromolecular Vibrational Modes
Sohee Lim; Dae Sik Choi; Hanju Rhee, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v.124, no.17, pp.3583 - 3590
Publication Date2022-12
An MMC-Based Temperature Control System for a Long-Term Data Collection
Kyungrae Woo; Han Beom Kim; Hyelim Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.209, no.5-6, pp.1218 - 1225
Publication Date2014-05
Compressed sensing fMRI using gradient-recalled echo and EPI sequences
Zong X.; Lee J.; John Poplawsky A., et al
NEUROIMAGE, v.92, pp.312 - 321
Publication Date2014-10
Creating High-Harmonic Beams with Controlled Orbital Angular Momentum
Highly Cited Paper
Gariepy, G; Leach, J; Kyung Taec Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.113, no.15, pp.153901
Publication Date2020-02
Deep tissue space-gated microscopy via acousto-optic interaction
Mooseok Jang; Hakseok Ko; Jin Hee Hong, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.710
Publication Date2014-11
Direct in situ observations of single Fe atom catalytic processes and anomalous diffusion at graphene edges
Jiong Zhao; Deng, QM; Avdoshenko, SM, et al
Publication Date2015-08
Directional dark matter by polar angle direct detection and application of columnar recombination
Jin Li
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, v.92, no.4, pp.043523
Publication Date2020-08
Dynamic transcriptome analysis unveils key proresolving factors of chronic inflammatory arthritis
Jin-Sun Kong; Ji-Hwan Park; Seung-Ah Yoo, et al
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, v.130, no.8, pp.3974 - 3986
Publication Date2021-01-01
Effects of MP2RAGE B-1(+) sensitivity on inter-site T-1 reproducibility and hippocampal morphometry at 7T
Roy A.M. Haast; Jonathan C. Lau; Dimo Ivanov, et al
NeuroImage, v.224
Publication Date2023-06
Evaluation and projections of extreme precipitation using a spatial extremes framework
Yang, Lichao; Christian L. E. Franzke; Duan, Wansuo
Publication Date2022-11
Experimental Guidelines to Image Transient Single-Molecule Events Using Graphene Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy
Wang, Huan; Xu, Zhun; Mao, Sheng, et al
ACS NANO, v.16, no.11, pp.18526 - 18537
Publication Date2018-09
Implications of cation-disordered grain boundaries on the electrochemical performance of the LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 cathode material for lithium ion batteries
Jae-Hyun Shim; Jong-San Im; Hyosik Kang, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v.6, no.33, pp.16111 - 16120
Publication Date2024-06
In situ electron microscopy revealing dynamic structure–function relationship of heterogeneous catalyst
Song, Chyan Kyung; Kim, Younhwa; Jungwon Park
MRS Communications, v.14, no.3, pp.248 - 260
Publication Date2017-01
In situ TEM observation on the interface-type resistive switching by electrochemical redox reactions at a TiN/PCMO interface
Kyungjoon Baek; Sangsu Park; Jucheol Park, et al
NANOSCALE, v.9, no.2, pp.582 - 593
Publication Date2019-04
Interleukin-2/antibody complex expanding Foxp3 + regulatory T cells exacerbates Th2-mediated allergic airway inflammation
Sung-Wook Hong; Eunju O; Jun Young Lee, et al
BMB REPORTS, v.52, no.4, pp.283 - 288
Publication Date2024-06
Label-Free Interference Imaging of Intracellular Trafficking
Jin-Sung Park; Il-Buem Lee; Seok-Cheol Hong, et al
Accounts of Chemical Research, v.57, no.11, pp.1565 - 1576
Publication Date2019-07
Label-free neuroimaging in vivo using synchronous angular scanning microscopy with single-scattering accumulation algorithm
Moonseok Kim; Yonghyeon Jo; Jin Hee Hong, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.3152
Publication Date2020-11
Laser scanning reflection-matrix microscopy for aberration-free imaging through intact mouse skull
Seokchan Yoon; Hojun Lee; Jin Hee Hong, et al
Nature Communications, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 12
Publication Date2021-12
Layer-dependent functional connectivity methods
Laurentius Huber(Renzo); Emily S. Finn; Yuhui Chai, et al
Publication Date2023-11
Long-term cargo tracking reveals intricate trafficking through active cytoskeletal networks in the crowded cellular environment
Jin-Sung Park; Il-Buem Lee; Hyeon-Min Moon, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2018-04
Macroscale variation in resting-state neuronal activity and connectivity assessed by simultaneous calcium imaging, hemodynamic imaging and electrophysiology
Matthew C. Murphy; Kevin C. Chan; Seong-Gi Kim, et al
NEUROIMAGE, v.169, pp.352 - 362
Publication Date2024-11
Pressure enabled organic reactions via confinement between layers of 2D materials
In Yoon, Seong; Hyoju Park; Lee, Yeonju, et al
Science Advances, v.10, no.45, pp.eadp9804
Publication Date2020-12
Reduced tropical cyclone densities and ocean effects due to anthropogenic greenhouse warming
Jung-Eun Chu; Sun-Seon Lee; Axel Timmermann, et al
SCIENCE ADVANCES, v.6, no.51, pp.eabd5109
Publication Date2024-10
Roadmap on nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging
Budakian, Raffi; Finkler, Amit; Eichler, Alexander, et al
Nanotechnology, v.35, no.41
Publication Date2019-06
Seasonal prediction skill and predictability of the Northern Hemisphere storm track variability in Project Minerva
Xuelei Feng; Huang, Bohua; Straus, David M.
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, v.52, no.11, pp.6427 - 6440
Publication Date2024-01
Small, solubilized platinum nanocrystals consist of an ordered core surrounded by mobile surface atoms
Wietfeldt, Henry; Meana-Pañeda, Rubén; Machello, Chiara, et al
Communications Chemistry, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2022-03
Spatial mapping of protein composition and tissue organization: a primer for multiplexed antibody-based imaging
Highly Cited Paper
John W. Hickey; Elizabeth K. Neumann; Andrea J. Radtke, et al
NATURE METHODS, v.19, no.3, pp.284 - 295
Publication Date2017-08
The effect of Hofmeister anions on water structure at protein surfaces
Euihyun Lee; Jun-Ho Choi; Minhaeng Cho
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v.19, no.30, pp.20008 - 20015
Publication Date2021-05-14
The Last Chance Saloon
Hong, Ye; Zhang, Hongtao; Anton Gartner
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, v.9
Publication Date2017-08
Thermo-sensitive assembly of the biomaterial REP reduces hematoma volume following collagenase-induced intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
Park J.; Kim J.Y.; Choi S.-K., et al
Publication Date2018-01
Three-beam double stimulated Raman scatterings
Minhaeng Cho
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v.148, no.1, pp.014201
Publication Date2022-07
Through-skull brain imaging in vivo at visible wavelengths via dimensionality reduction adaptive-optical microscopy
Yonghyeon Jo; Ye-Ryoung Lee; Jin Hee Hong, et al
Publication Date2017-01
Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering Imaging of Two-Dimensional Tungsten Disulfide with Optimized Tip Fabrication Process
Chanwoo Lee; Sung Tae Kim; Byeong Geun Jeong, et al
Publication Date2016-07
Towards spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas at a surface of an antiferromagnetic insulating oxide
Mishra, R; Young-Min Kim; He, Q, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.94, no.4, pp.045123
Publication Date2023-05
Two-color infrared photothermal microscopy
Chanjong Park; Jong Min Lim; Seok-Cheol Hong, et al
Analyst, v.148, no.10, pp.2395 - 2402
Publication Date2022-09
Using Single-Crystal Graphene to Form Arrays of Nanocapsules Enabling the Observation of Light Elements in Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy
Lee, Chanhee; Huang, Ming; Da Luo, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.22, no.18, pp.7423 - 7431