A beam with an angular-dependant phase Φ ¼ lϕ about the beam axis carries an orbital angular
momentum of lℏ per photon. Such beams are exploited to provide superresolution in microscopy. Creating
extreme ultraviolet or soft-x-ray beams with controllable orbital angular momentum is a critical step
towards extending superresolution to much higher spatial resolution. We show that orbital angular
momentum is conserved during high-harmonic generation. Experimentally, we use a fundamental beam
with jlj ¼ 1 and interferometrically determine that the harmonics each have orbital angular momentum
equal to their harmonic number. Theoretically, we show how any small value of orbital angular momentum
can be coupled to any harmonic in a controlled manner. Our results open a route to microscopy on the
molecular, or even submolecular, scale.