Publication Date2025-02
Laser-driven proton acceleration beyond 100 MeV by radiation pressure and Coulomb repulsion in a conduction-restricted plasma
Yinren Shou; Xuezhi Wu; Ki Hong Pae, et al
Nature Communications, v.16, no.1
Publication Date2024-11
Effects of Laser Irradiation in High-Speed Gas Flow for Surface Treatments of Copper
Mohamed Ezzat; Constantin Aniculaesei; Lee, Joong Wook, et al
Micromachines, v.15, no.11
Publication Date2024-11
All-optical nonlinear Compton scattering performed with a multi-petawatt laser
Mohammad Mirzaie; Calin Ioan Hojbota; Do Yeon Kim, et al
Nature Photonics, v.18, no.11, pp.1212 - 1217
Publication Date2024-10
Inline UV pulse synthesizer
Sung In Hwang; Wosik Cho; Yun, Hyeok, et al
Scientific Reports, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2024-09
Single-shot carrier-envelope-phase detection using tunneling ionization in ambient air
Bin Kim; Jeong-Uk Shin; Wosik Cho, et al
Optics Express, v.32, no.19, pp.33795 - 33802
Publication Date2024-08
Attosecond delays in X-ray molecular ionization
Driver, Taran; Mountney, Miles; Wang, Jun, et al
Nature, v.632, no.8026, pp.762 - 767
Publication Date2024-08
Wavefront-corrected high-intensity vortex beams exceeding 1020W/cm2
Lee, Sunwoo; Jin Woo Yoon; Jae Hee Sung, et al
Optica, v.11, no.8, pp.1163 - 1173
Publication Date2024-07
Heat transfer within nonequilibrium dense aluminum heated by a heavy ion beam
Chiwan Song; Seongmin Lee; Woosuk Bang
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, v.49, no.3
Publication Date2024-07
Ultrabroad-band x-ray source using a picosecond, laser-driven plasma accelerator
Lemos, N.; King, P.M.; Rusby, D., et al
Physical Review Research, v.6, no.3
Publication Date2024-06
Single-shot measurement of a laser waveform using plasma fluorescence in ambient air
Kyunghoon Yeom; Wosik Cho; Jeong - Uk Shin, et al
Optics Express, v.32, no.13, pp.23796 - 23802
Publication Date2024-05
Entanglement in photo-ionization process
I.A. Ivanov; Kyung Taec Kim
Scientific Reports, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2024-05
Time delay and nonadiabatic calibration of the attoclock. Multiphoton process versus tunneling in strong field interaction
Kullie, Ossama; Igor A. Ivanov
Annals of Physics, v.464
Publication Date2024-04
Evidence for nonzero electron velocity at the tunnel exit in strong-field atomic ionization
I.A. Ivanov; Kheifets, A.S.; Schimmoller, A., et al
Physical Review Research, v.6, no.2
Publication Date2024-04
Random pinhole attenuator for high-power laser beams
Seong Cheol Park; Yun, Hyeok; Yoon, Jin Woo, et al
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, v.12
Publication Date2024-02
Investigation of terahertz radiation generation from laser-wakefield acceleration
Mohammad Rezaei-Pandari; Mohammad Mirzaie; Calin Ioan Hojbota, et al
AIP Advances, v.14, no.2
Publication Date2024-02
Electron-positron generation by irradiating various metallic materials with laser-accelerated electrons
Hyeong-il Kim; Youhwan Noh; Jaehyun Song, et al
Results in Physics, v.57
Publication Date2024-01
Charge-neutral, GeV-scale electron-positron pair beams produced using bremsstrahlung gamma rays
Youhwan Noh; Jaehyun Song; Mohammad Mirzaie, et al
Communications Physics, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2023-12
Spatial and spectral measurement of laser-driven protons through radioactivation
Yin‑Ren Shou; Xue‑Zhi Wu; Gwang‑Eun Ahn, et al
Nuclear Science and Techniques, v.34, no.12
Publication Date2023-12
Schwinger Pair Production and Vacuum Birefringence around Highly Magnetized Neutron Stars
Chul Min Kim; Kim, Sang Pyo
Astronomy Reports, v.67, pp.S122 - S128
Publication Date2023-11
Spectral response of chirp-dependent femtosecond laser filamentation in air
Yun, Hyeok; Wosik Cho; Sung, Jae Hee, et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.83, pp.950 - 956