The simultaneous measurement of the spatial profle and spectrum of laser-accelerated protons is important for further
optimization of the beam qualities and applications. We report a detailed study regarding the underlying physics and regular
procedure of such a measurement through the radioactivation of a stack composed of aluminum, copper, and CR-39 plates as
well as radiochromic flms (RCFs). After being radioactivated, the copper plates are placed on imaging plates (IPs) to detect
the positrons emitted by the reaction products through contact imaging. The spectrum and energy-dependent spatial profle
of the protons are then obtained from the IPs and confrmed by the measured ones from the RCFs and CR-39 plates. We
also discuss the detection range, infuence of electrons, radiation safety, and spatial resolution of this measurement. Finally,
insights regarding the extension of the current method to online measurements and dynamic proton imaging are also provided.