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Wavefront-corrected high-intensity vortex beams exceeding 1020W/cm2

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Wavefront-corrected high-intensity vortex beams exceeding 1020W/cm2
Lee, Sunwoo; Jin Woo Yoon; Jae Hee Sung; Seong Ku Lee; Seung Yeon Kim; Jeong Moon Yang; Sung In Hwang; Chang Hee Nam; Yeo, Woo-Jong; Jeong, Seok-Kyeong; Jeon, Minwoo; Choi, Hwan-Jin; Kim, Mincheol; Kim, Dong Uk; Lee, Kye-Sung; Chang, Ki Soo; Pak, Soojong; Il Woo Choi; Kim, I. Jong
Publication Date
Optica, v.11, no.8, pp.1163 - 1173
OSA Publishing
The use of vortex laser beams has increased in various areas of optics and photonics, necessitating enhanced beam quality for wide usage. In the field of high-power lasers, a range of methods to implement vortex laser beams has been proposed. Nonetheless, enhancing beam quality becomes more challenging as the laser power increases. This study presents the successful implementation of a high-quality, high-intensity vortex laser beam exceeding 1020 W=cm2-an essential advancement for enhancing the performance and applicability of high-power lasers.We achieved this by integrating a spiral phase mirror (SPM) with an orbital angular momentum of l =1, specially designed for the vortex beam, along with an adaptive optical system, into a 150-TWfemtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. Importantly, SPM, featuring a modulation structure to correct for a 45° incidence angle, was utilized to produce the vortex beam. The adaptive optical system, comprising a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and a deformable mirror, employed a feedback loop to correct wavefront aberrations distorting the vortex beam. Notably, the negligible difference between the Hartmanngrams of the Gaussian and vortex beams (l =1) allowed theGaussian beam'sHartmanngram to serve effectively as the input reference for wavefront correction, resulting in a successfully corrected vortex beam wavefront. Experimental results, both preand post-wavefront correction, were compared with simulation results obtained via field-tracing. The peak intensity of the focused high-quality vortex laser beam ultimately reached 1.8×1020 W/cm2, exceeding previously reported experimental results. The results of this study could significantly contribute to the exploration of high-intensity angular momentum transfer in relativistic laser-plasma interactions. © 2024 Optica Publishing Group.
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Center for Relativistic Laser Science(초강력 레이저과학 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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