Publication Date2019-07
Activation of Astrocytic μ-Opioid Receptor Causes Conditioned Place Preference
Min-Ho Nam; Kyung-Seok Han; Jaekwang Lee, et al
CELL REPORTS, v.28, no.5, pp.1154 - 1166.e5
Publication Date2015-03
ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) bidirectionally regulates dendritic spine formation depending on neuronal maturation and activity
Kim Y.; Lee S.-E.; Park J., et al
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, v.290, no.12, pp.7323 - 7335
Publication Date2024-10
Anterior cingulate cortex-related functional hyperconnectivity underlies sensory hypersensitivity in Grin2b-mutant mice
Lee, Soowon; Won Beom Jung; Moon, Heera, et al
Molecular Psychiatry, v.29, pp.3195 - 3207
Publication Date2022-12
Chr21 protein-protein interactions: enrichment in proteins involved in intellectual disability, autism, and late-onset Alzheimer's disease
Viard, Julia; Loe-Mie, Yann; Daudin, Rachel, et al
Publication Date2023-03
Cyclin Y regulates spatial learning and memory flexibility through distinct control of the actin pathway
Seo, Jiyeon; Hwang, Hongik; Sohn, Heesung, et al
Molecular Psychiatry, v.28, pp.1351 - 1364
Publication Date2019-04
Early Correction of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Function Improves Autistic-like Social Behaviors in Adult Shank2−/− Mice
Changuk Chung; Seungmin Ha; Hyojin Kang, et al
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, v.85, no.7, pp.534 - 543
Publication Date2023-07
Functional and microstructural plasticity following social and interoceptive mental training
Valk, Sofie Louise; Kanske, Philipp; Bo-yong Park, et al
ELIFE, v.12
Publication Date2015-11
Functional and physical interaction of diacylglycerol kinase ζ with protein kinase Cα is required for cerebellar long-term depression
Dongwon Lee; Yukio Yamamoto; Eunjoon Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.35, no.46, pp.15453 - 15465
Publication Date2019-09
Histone demethylase PHF2 activates CREB and promotes memory consolidation
Kim, HJ; Hur, SW; Park, JB, et al
EMBO REPORTS, v.20, no.9, pp.e45907
Publication Date2015-06
Intracellular oligomeric amyloid-beta rapidly regulates GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptor in the hippocampus
Daniel J. Whitcomb; Ellen L. Hogg; Philip Regan, et al
Publication Date2023-12
Nanoscale Magneto-mechanical-genetics of Deep Brain Neurons Reversing Motor Deficits in Parkinsonian Mice
Wookjin Shin; Yeongdo Lee; Jueun Lim, et al
Nano Letters, v.24, no.1, pp.270 - 278
Publication Date2020-02
Optogenetic Modulation of TrkB Signaling in the Mouse Brain
Jongryul Hong; Won Do Heo
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v.432, no.4, pp.815 - 827
Publication Date2020-09
Place cell maps slowly develop via competitive learning and conjunctive coding in the dentate gyrus
Soyoun Kim; Jung, Dajung; Royer, Sebastien
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 15
Publication Date2021-09-29
SALM4 negatively regulates NMDA receptor function and fear memory consolidation
Eunkyung Lie; Yeo, Yeji; Lee, Eun-Jae, et al
Communications Biology, v.4, no.1
Publication Date2021-01
Signaling mechanisms of μ-opioid receptor (MOR) in the hippocampus: disinhibition versus astrocytic glutamate regulation
Min‑Ho Nam; Woojin Won; Kyung‑Seok Han, et al
Publication Date2022-03
Slc6a20a Heterozygous and Homozygous Mutant Mice Display Differential Behavioral and Transcriptomic Changes
Kim, Junhyung; Junyeop Daniel Roh; Kim, Seongbin, et al
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, v.15
Publication Date2018-09
The Possible Role of Neurobeachin in Extinction of Contextual Fear Memory
Boyoung Lee; Eunyoung Bang; Won Suk Yang, et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.8, no.1, pp.13752
Publication Date2019-04
Therapeutic Effect of Agmatine on Neurological Disease: Focus on Ion Channels and Receptors
Sumit Barua; Jong Youl Kim; Jae Young Kim, et al
NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, v.44, no.4, pp.735 - 750
Publication Date2019-07
Transient effect of mossy fiber stimulation on spatial firing of CA3 neurons
Joonyeup Lee; Miru Yun; Eunjae Cho, et al
HIPPOCAMPUS, v.29, no.7, pp.639 - 651