Publication Date2021-09-01
Turbulence-induced transport dynamo mechanism
Chang-Mo Ryu
Plasma Research Express, v.3, no.3, pp.1 - 9
Publication Date2021-12-20
Turnover of fear engram cells by repeated experience
Cho, Hye-Yeon; Wangyong Shin; Lee, Han-Sol, et al
CURRENT BIOLOGY, v.31, no.24, pp.5450 - 5461
Publication Date2015-07
TUT7 controls the fate of precursor microRNAs by using three different uridylation mechanisms
Boseon Kim; Minju Ha; Loeff L., et al
EMBO JOURNAL, v.34, no.13, pp.1801 - 1815
Publication Date2019-04
Tweety-homolog (Ttyh) Family Encodes the Pore-forming Subunits of the Swelling-dependent Volume-regulated Anion Channel (VRAC(swell)) in the Brain
Young-Eun Han; Jea Kwon; Joungha Won, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.28, no.2, pp.183 - 215
Publication Date2017-05
Tweezing of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Objects with Magnetic Fields
Jaakko V. I. Timonen; Bartosz A. Grzybowski
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.29, no.18, pp.1603516
Publication Date2024-12
Twin-width of random graphs
Ahn, Jungho; Chakraborti, Debsoumya; Kevin Hendrey, et al
Random Structures and Algorithms, v.65, no.4, pp.794 - 831
Publication Date2024-11
Twist-Controlled Ferroelectricity and Emergent Multiferroicity in WSe2 Bilayers
Hassan, Yasir; Singh, Budhi; Joe, Minwoong, et al
Advanced Materials, v.36, no.46
Publication Date2022-11
Twisted growth by design
Seong-Jun Yang; Cheol-Joo Kim
NATURE MATERIALS, v.21, no.11, pp.1215 - 1216
Publication Date2024-07
Twisted lattice gauge theory: Membrane operators, three-loop braiding, and topological charge
Huxford, Joe; Dung Xuan Nguyen; Kim, Yong Baek
Physical Review B, v.110, no.3
Publication Date2021-12-22
Twisted van der Waals Josephson Junction Based on a High- TcSuperconductor
Lee, Jongyun; Lee, Wonjun; Kim, Gi-Yeop, et al
Nano Letters, v.21, no.24, pp.10469 - 10477
Publication Date2016-06
Two conformational states in D-shaped DNA: Effects of local denaturation
O.-chul Lee; Kim C.; Kim J.-Y., et al
Publication Date2022-11
Two different propagation patterns of spatiotemporally contiguous heatwaves in China
Luo, Ming; Wang, Xiaoyu; Dong, Na, et al
Publication Date2015-06
Two dimensional inorganic electride-promoted electron transfer efficiency in transfer hydrogenation of alkynes and alkenes
Ye Ji Kim; Kim, SM; Cho, EJ, et al
CHEMICAL SCIENCE, v.6, no.6, pp.3577 - 3581
Publication Date2019-08
Two distinct actin waves correlated with turns-and-runs of crawling microglia
Yang, Taeseok Daniel; Park, Kwanjun; Jin-Sung Park, et al
PLOS ONE, v.14, no.8, pp.e0220810
Publication Date2015-09
Two guard cell mitogen-activated protein kinases, MPK9 and MPK12, function in methyl jasmonate-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana
Khokon, MAR; Salam, MA; Jammes, F, et al
PLANT BIOLOGY, v.17, no.5, pp.946 - 952
Publication Date2022-08
Two interaction surfaces between XPA and RPA organize the preincision complex in nucleotide excision repair
Mihyun Kim; Hyun Suk Kim; D’Souza, Areetha, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.119, no.34
Publication Date2023-02
Two Opposing Effects of Monovalent Cations on the Stability of i-Motif Structure
Sung Eun Kim; Seok-Cheol Hong
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v.127, no.9, pp.1932 - 1939
Publication Date2013-06
Two opposite hysteresis curves in semiconductors with mobile dopants
Jae Sung Lee; Shin Buhm Lee; Byungnam Kahng, et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.102, no.25, pp.253503-1 - 253503-4
Publication Date2022-08
Two problems in graph Ramsey theory
Tuan Tran
European Journal of Combinatorics, v.104
Publication Date2021-12
Two Types of Diurnal Variations in Heavy Rainfall during July over Korea
Park, Chang-Kyun; Chang, Minhee; Ho, Chang-Hoi, et al
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, v.38, no.12, pp.2201 - 2211