Publication Date2024-09
Statistical Survey of Chemical and Geometric Patterns on Protein Surfaces as a Blueprint for Protein-Mimicking Nanoparticles
John M. McBride; Koshevarnikov, Aleksei; Marta Siek, et al
Small Structures, v.5, no.9
Publication Date2024-08
AI-Predicted Protein Deformation Encodes Energy Landscape Perturbation
John M. McBride; Tsvi Tlusty
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.9
Publication Date2024-06
Tumbling Downhill Along a Given Curve
Eckmann, Jean-Pierre; Yaroslav I. Sobolev; Tsvi Tlusty
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, v.71, no.6, pp.740 - 747
Publication Date2024-02
The physical logic of protein machines
John M. Mcbride; Tsvi Tlusty
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, v.2024, no.2
Publication Date2024-01
Programmable Potentials Choreograph Defects in a Colloidal Crystal Shell
Guolong Zhu; Gao, Lijuan; Wang, Yuming, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.132, no.4
Publication Date2023-12
Convergent evolution in a large cross-cultural database of musical scales
John M. McBride; Passmore, Sam; Tsvi Tlusty
PLoS ONE, v.18, no.12
Publication Date2023-11
Gene birth in a model of non-genic adaptation
Somya Mani; Tsvi Tlusty
BMC Biology, v.21, no.1
Publication Date2023-11
AlphaFold2 Can Predict Single-Mutation Effects
John M. Mcbride; Konstantin Polev; Abdirasulov, Amirbek, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.131, no.21
Publication Date2023-08
Solid-body trajectoids shaped to roll along desired pathways
Yaroslav I. Sobolev; Ruoyu Dong; Tsvi Tlusty, et al
Nature, v.620, no.7973, pp.310 - 315
Publication Date2023-04
Quasiparticles, flat bands and the melting of hydrodynamic matter
Imran Saeed; Hyuk Kyu Pak; Tsvi Tlusty
NATURE PHYSICS, v.19, no.4, pp.536 - 544
Publication Date2023-02
Bona fide stochastic resonance under nonGaussian active fluctuations
Govind Paneru; Tsvi Tlusty; Hyuk Kyu Pak
SOFT MATTER, v.19, no.7, pp.1356 - 1362
Publication Date2022-12
Gauging Nanoswimmer Dynamics via the Motion of Large Bodies
Ashwani Kr. Tripathi; Tsvi Tlusty
Physical Review Letters, v.129, no.25
Publication Date2022-11
General Theory of Specific Binding: Insights from a Genetic-Mechano-Chemical Protein Model
John M. McBride; Eckmann, Jean-Pierre; Tsvi Tlusty
Publication Date2022-06
Positional information as a universal predictor of freezing
Tamoghna Das; Tsvi Tlusty
EPL, v.138, no.5
Publication Date2022-04
Acceleration of enzymatic catalysis by active hydrodynamic fluctuations
Ashwani Kr. Tripathi; Tamoghna Das; Govind Paneru, et al
Communications Physics, v.5, no.1
Publication Date2022-04
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in a random driven chemical system
William D. Piñeros; Tsvi Tlusty
Nature Communications, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2021-12-21
Slowest-first protein translation scheme: Structural asymmetry and co-translational folding
John M. McBride; Tsvi Tlusty
Biophysical Journal, v.120, no.24, pp.5466 - 5477
Publication Date2021-10-05
A topological look into the evolution of developmental programs
Somya Mani; Tsvi Tlusty
Biophysical Journal, v.120, no.19, pp.4193 - 4201
Publication Date2021-09
Dimensional reduction in complex living systems: Where, why, and how
Jean-Pierre Eckmann; Tsvi Tlusty
BIOESSAYS, v.43, no.9
Publication Date2021-08-03
Exceptional topology in ordinary soft matter
Tsvi Tlusty
Physical Review E, v.104, no.2