Publication Date2017-01
Localization of weakly disordered flat band states
Daniel Leykam; Joshua D. Bodyfelt; Anton S. Desyatnikov, et al
Publication Date2024-04
Localized and extended collective optical phonon modes in regular and random arrays of contacting nanoparticles: Escape from phonon confinement
S.V. Koniakhin; Utesov, O.I.; Yashenkin, A.G.
Physical Review B, v.109, no.15
Publication Date2021-06
Localized Delivery of Theranostic Nanoparticles and High-Energy Photons using Microneedles-on-Bioelectronics
Youngsik Lee; Taegyu Kang; Hye Rim Cho, et al
Advanced Materials, v.33, no.24
Publication Date2020-08
Localized modes in linear and nonlinear octagonal-diamond lattices with two flat bands
M. G. Stojanovi´c; M. Stojanovi´c Krasi´c; Alexandra Maluckov, et al
Physical Review a, v.102, no.2, pp.023532
Publication Date2020-11
Localized spin-flip excitations in hexagonal HoMnO3
Ji-Yeon Nam; Seung Kim; Hien Thi Minh Nguyen, et al
JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v.51, no.11, pp.2298 - 2304
Publication Date2019-12
Locally Activating TrkB Receptor Generates Actin Waves and Specifies Axonal Fate
Doyeon Woo; Yeji Seo; Hyunjin Jung, et al
CELL CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, v.26, no.12, pp.1652 - +
Publication Date2022-01
Locally enhanced light–matter interaction of MoS2 monolayers at density-controllable nanogrooves of template-stripped Ag films
Jung Ho Kim; Lee, Jubok; Sehwan Park, et al
Current Applied Physics, v.33, pp.59 - 65
Publication Date2020-01
Locally Optimal 2-Periodic Sphere Packings
Alexei Andreanov; Yoav Kallus
DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, v.63, no.1, pp.182 - 208
Publication Date2016-01
Location-dependent sensing of nitric oxide and calcium ions in living rat kidney using an amperometric/potentiometric dual microsensor
Yee Seul Kim; Yejin Ha; Jungeun Sim, et al
ANALYST, v.141, no.1, pp.297 - 304
Publication Date2019-03
Lock-in amplifier with a high common-mode rejection ratio in the range of 0.02 to 100 kHz
Baranov P.; Borikov V.; Ivanova V., et al
Acta IMEKO, v.8, no.1, pp.103 - 110
Publication Date2018-03
Locus-Specific Reversible DNA Methylation Regulates Transient IL-10 Expression in Th1 Cells
Won Hwang; Choong-Gu Lee; Changhon Lee, et al
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, v.200, no.5, pp.1865 - 1875
Publication Date2014-02
Log canonical thresholds of certain Fano hypersurfaces
Cheltsov, I; Park, Jihun; Won, J
MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, v.276, no.1-2, pp.51 - 79
Publication Date2015-06
Log canonical thresholds of complete intersection log del Pezzo surfaces
In-Kyun Kim; Jihun Park
Publication Date2024-11
Log Topological Recursion Through the Prism of x-y Swap
A. Alexandrov; Bychkov, B.; Dunin-Barkowski, P., et al
International Mathematics Research Notices, v.2024, no.21, pp.13461 - 13487
Publication Date2022-02
Logarithmic expansion of many-body wave packets in random potentials
Arindam Mallick; Sergej Flach
Physical Review A, v.105, no.2
Publication Date2021-06
Long path and cycle decompositions of even hypercubes
Axenovich, Maria; Offner, David; Casey Tompkins
Publication Date2015-09
Long Vertically Aligned TiO2 Nanotube Electrodes Prepared via Two-Step Anodization for Highly Efficient Photovoltaics
Kim, J.-Y.; Shin, J.; Kim, D., et al
ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v.55, no.9, pp.1030 - 1040
Publication Date2021-01
Long-acting nanoparticulate DNase-1 for effective suppression of SARS-CoV-2-mediated neutrophil activities and cytokine storm
Yun Young Lee; Hee Ho Park; Wooram Park, et al
Biomaterials, v.267
Publication Date2024-02
Long-lasting forms of plasticity through patterned ultrasound-induced brainwave entrainment
Ho-Jeong Kim; Tien Thuy Phan; Lee, Keunhyung, et al
Science Advances, v.10, no.8
Publication Date2017-09
Long-lived electrodes for plastic batteries
Byungju Lee; Kisuk Kang
NATURE, v.549, no.7672, pp.339 - 340