Publication Date2025-03
Multilayer optical neural network using saturable absorber for nonlinearity
Kalpak Gupta; Lee, Ye-Ryoung; Ye-Chan Cho, et al
Optics Communications, v.577
Publication Date2025-02
Investigating the efficacy of Palladium Doped Ceria for the Photodegradation of Azo Dyes
Ullah, Inam; Saima Sadiq; Ali, Umair, et al
Journal of Molecular Structure, v.1322
Publication Date2024-12
Advancements in halide perovskite photonics
Yu, Weili; Kwang jin Lee; Li, Yixuan, et al
Advances in Optics and Photonics, v.16, no.4, pp.868 - 957
Publication Date2024-12
Recasting the wobbling-in-a-cone model for the rotational anisotropy of phenylselenocyanate in poly(methyl methacrylate): Effect of internal bond rotation and polymer segmental motion
Sourav Palchowdhury; Saptarsi Mondal; Kyungwon Kwak, et al
The Journal of Chemical Physics, v.161, no.21
Publication Date2024-12
Characterization of molecular redox states on silica surfaces using shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS) with various shell thicknesses
Ju-Young Kim; Yoon, Sang Bin; Sehee Lee, et al
Sensors and Actuators Reports, v.8
Publication Date2024-12
Correlating Ionic Conductivity to Structure and Dynamics of Li-Ion Battery Electrolyte Systems: Raman Spectroscopy, Dielectric Relaxation Measurements, and Streak Camera Solvation Data Analysis
Mondal, Amrita; Kajal Kumbhakar; Biswas, Ranjit
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v.128, no.48, pp.11924 - 11937
Publication Date2024-11
Accelerated Amyloid Aggregation Dynamics of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Heavy Water
Son, Myung Kook; Im, Dongjoon; Hyun, Da Gyeong, et al
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v.15, no.47, pp.11823 - 11829
Publication Date2024-10
Quantitative Analysis of the Li-Ion Solvation Structure in Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
Taewoo Kim; Minhaeng Cho; Kyungwon Kwak
Analytical Chemistry, v.96, no.40, pp.15924 - 15930
Publication Date2024-09
Enhanced Microstructural Uniformity in Sulfuric-Acid-Treated Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(Styrene Sulfonate) Films Using Raman Map Analysis
Kim, Hyewon; Park, Jiyeong; Jang, Jaehee, et al
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, v.45, no.18
Publication Date2024-09
Investigating the structural, dielectric, optical and photocatalytic properties of carbon dots and palladium, platinum decorated carbon dots
Bibi, Sheema; Shakir, Namra; Sadiq, Muhammad, et al
Journal of Molecular Structure, v.1312, no.Part 1
Publication Date2024-07
Ultrafast measurement of photoacoustic parameters with mid-infrared frequency comb transients
Hyunmin Jang; Lee, Chanseul; Minhaeng Cho, et al
Optics Letters, v.49, no.14, pp.4026 - 4029
Publication Date2024-07
Molecular Photothermal Effect on the 2D-IR Spectroscopy of Acetonitrile-Based Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes
So Yeon Chun; Joong Won Shim; Kyungwon Kwak, et al
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, pp.7302 - 7311
Publication Date2024-06
Study of the Myosin Relay Helix Peptide by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Pump-Probe and 2D Infrared Spectroscopy
Holly Freedman; Tuszynski, Jack A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, v.25, no.12
Publication Date2024-06
Ptychographic lensless coherent endomicroscopy through a flexible fiber bundle
Weinberg, Gil; Munkyu Kang; Wonjun Choi, et al
Optics Express, v.32, no.12, pp.20421 - 20431
Publication Date2024-06
Solvation Structures and Transport Mechanisms of Cations in Water-in-Bisalt Electrolytes for High-Concentration Lithium-Ion Batteries Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Anahita Khammari; Jonggu Jeon; Minhaeng Cho
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v.128, no.23, pp.5735 - 5745
Publication Date2024-06
Label-Free Interference Imaging of Intracellular Trafficking
Jin-Sung Park; Il-Buem Lee; Seok-Cheol Hong, et al
Accounts of Chemical Research, v.57, no.11, pp.1565 - 1576
Publication Date2024-04
Do Electrostatics Control the Diffusive Dynamics of Solitary Water? NMR and MD Studies of Water Translation and Rotation in Dipolar and Ionic Solvents
Mukherjee, Kallol; Sourav Palchowdhury; Maroncelli, Mark
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v.128, no.15, pp.3689 - 3706
Publication Date2024-02
Integrating magnetic tweezers and single-molecule FRET: A comprehensive approach to studying local and global conformational changes simultaneously
Hae Jun Jung; Beom-Hyeon Park; Sook Ho Kim, et al
Methods in Enzymology, v.694, pp.167 - 189
Publication Date2024-02
Dual phase-detected infrared photothermal microscopy
Chanjong Park; Minhaeng Cho
Optics Express, v.32, no.5, pp.6865 - 6875
Publication Date2024-02
Dielectric Response and Linear Absorption Spectroscopy of Ionic Systems
Jonggu Jeon; Minhaeng Cho
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, v.20, no.3, pp.1371 - 1385