Publication Date2020-08
[Cu-32(PET)(24)H8Cl2](PPh4)(2): A Copper Hydride Nanocluster with a Bisquare Antiprismatic Core
Sanghwa Lee; Megalamane S. Bootharaju; Guocheng Deng, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.142, no.32, pp.13974 - 13981
Publication Date2020-08
Operando Identification of the Chemical and Structural Origin of Li-Ion Battery Aging at Near-Ambient Temperature
Min-Seob Kim; Byoung-Hoon Lee; Jae-Hyuk Park, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.142, no.31, pp.13406 - 13414
Publication Date2020-07
Nanoscale Phenomena in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Jung S.-K.; Hwang I.; Chang D., et al
Chemical Reviews, v.120, no.14, pp.6684 - 6737
Publication Date2020-07
Understanding the Behaviors of λ-MnO2 in Electrochemical Lithium Recovery: Key Limiting Factors and a Route to the Enhanced Performance
Kim, S.; Jin Soo Kang; Joo, H., et al
Environmental Science and Technology, v.54, no.14, pp.9044 - 9051
Publication Date2020-07
Sn(salen)-derived SnS nanoparticles embedded in N-doped carbon for high performance lithium-ion battery anodes
Jin, A.; Kang, N.; Um, J.H., et al
Chemical communications, v.56, no.58, pp.8095 - 8098
Publication Date2020-07
Boosting electrochemical stability of ultralow-Pt nanoparticle with Matryoshka-like structure in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Hyunjoon Lee; Ji Eun Park; Kim O.-H., et al
Publication Date2020-07
Bi-MOF derived micro/meso-porous Bi@C nanoplates for high performance lithium-ion batteries
Min-Kun Kim; Min-Seob Kim; Jae-Hyuk Park, et al
NANOSCALE, v.12, no.28, pp.15214 - 15221
Publication Date2020-07
Design considerations for lithium-sulfur batteries: mass transport of lithium polysulfides
Seong-Jun Kim; Yunseo Jeoun; Jungjin Park, et al
NANOSCALE, v.12, no.28, pp.15466 - 15472
Publication Date2020-07
Revealing Kinetics of Two-Electron Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Single-Molecule Level
Yi Xiao; Jaeyoung Hong; Xiao Wang, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.142, no.30, pp.13201 - 13209
Publication Date2020-07
Revisiting the strategies for stabilizing lithium metal anodes
Ji Hyun Um; Kookhan Kim; Jungjin Park, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v.8, no.28, pp.13874 - 13895
Publication Date2020-06
Dynamic analysis of non-linear wake-up behavior in Hf0.7Zr0.3O2 thin film
J.C. Choi; Song M.S.; Lee K., et al
CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, v.20, no.6, pp.746 - 750
Publication Date2020-06
Mesenchymal stem cell-derived magnetic extracellular nanovesicles for targeting and treatment of ischemic stroke
Kim, HY; Kim, TJ; Kang, L, et al
BIOMATERIALS, v.243, pp.119942
Publication Date2020-06
Unraveling the mystery of ultrafine bubbles: Establishment of thermodynamic equilibrium for sub-micron bubbles and its implications
Kim E.; Choe J.K.; Byung Hyo Kim, et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v.570, pp.173 - 181
Publication Date2020-06
Indene-C60Bisadduct Electron-Transporting Material with the High LUMO Level Enhances Open-Circuit Voltage and Efficiency of Tin-Based Perovskite Solar Cells
Myeongjeong Lee; Dawoon Kim; Yong Kyu Lee, et al
ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v.3, no.6, pp.5581 - 5588
Publication Date2020-06
Color-switchable electrochromic Co(OH)2/Ni(OH)2 nanofilms with ultrafast kinetics for multifunctional smart windows
Lee Y.-H.; Jin Soo Kang; Park J.-H., et al
NANO ENERGY, v.72, pp.104720
Publication Date2020-06
Recent Advances in Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction to H2O2: Catalyst and Cell Design
Highly Cited Paper
Euiyeon Jung; Heejong Shin; Hooch Antink W., et al
ACS ENERGY LETTERS, v.5, no.6, pp.1881 - 1892
Publication Date2020-05
Electrokinetic Analysis of Poorly Conductive Electrocatalytic Materials
Dong Young Chung; Subin Park; Pietro P. Lopes, et al
ACS Catalysis, v.10, no.9, pp.4990 - 4996
Publication Date2020-05
Targeted delivery of iron oxide nanoparticle-loaded human embryonic stem cell-derived spherical neural masses for treating intracerebral hemorrhage
Kang M.K.; Kim T.J.; Kim Y.-J., et al
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, v.21, no.10
Publication Date2020-05
Solvated Ion Intercalation in Graphite: Sodium and Beyond
Park J.; Xu Z.-L.; Kisuk Kang
Frontiers in Chemistry, v.8, pp.1 - 14
Publication Date2020-05
Facile Ferroelectric Phase Transition Driven by Si Doping in HfO2
Yang H.; Kunwoo Park; Lee H.-J., et al
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v.59, no.9, pp.5993 - 5999