Publication Date2024-06
In-situ and wavelength-dependent photocatalytic strain evolution of a single Au nanoparticle on a TiO2 film
Park, Sung Hyun; Kim, Sukyoung; Jae Whan Park, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-05
Emergent Quantum Phenomena of a Noncentrosymmetric Charge Density Wave in 1T -Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Cheong-Eung Ahn; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Young-Jae Choi, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.132, no.22
Publication Date2023-12
Kinkless Electronic Junction along 1D Electronic Channel Embedded in a Van Der Waals Layer
Qirong Yao; Jae Whan Park; Choongjae Won, et al
Publication Date2023-11
Stacking and spin order in a van der Waals Mott insulator 1T-TaS2
Jae Whan Park; Jinwon Lee; Han Woong Yeom
Communications Materials, v.4, no.1
Publication Date2023-08
Topological soliton molecule in quasi 1D charge density wave
Taehwan Im; Sun Kyu Song; Jae Whan Park, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2023-08
Alternative Structure Model of Correlated Charge Density Wave in Monolayer 1T-Nb(Ta)Se-2
Jae Whan Park; Han Woong Yeom
ACS NANO, v.17, no.17, pp.17041 - 17047
Publication Date2023-07
Mobile Kink Solitons in a Van der Waals Charge-Density-Wave Layer
Jinwon Lee; Jae Whan Park; Gil Young Cho, et al
Advanced Materials, v.35, no.29
Publication Date2022-10
Surface enhanced electron correlation on the trivial quasi-two-dimensional bulk insulator 1T-TaS2
Jiwon Jung; Jae Whan Park; Jaeyoung Kim, et al
Physical Review B, v.106, no.15
Publication Date2022-04
Z3Charge Density Wave of Silicon Atomic Chains on a Vicinal Silicon Surface
Euihwan Do; Jae Whan Park; Stetsovych, Oleksandr, et al
ACS Nano, v.16, no.4, pp.6598 - 6604
Publication Date2022-03
Creation and annihilation of mobile fractional solitons in atomic chains
Jae Whan Park; Euihwan Do; Sun Kyu Song, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.17, no.3, pp.244 - 249
Publication Date2021-11-24
Engineering Domain Wall Electronic States in Strongly Correlated van der Waals Material of 1T-TaS2
Qirong Yao; Jae Whan Park; Eunseok Oh, et al
Nano Letters, v.21, no.22, pp.9699 - 9705
Publication Date2021-03-22
Zoology of domain walls in quasi-2D correlated charge density wave of 1T-TaS2
Jae Whan Park; Jinwon Lee; Han Woong Yeom
npj Quantum Materials, v.6, no.1
Publication Date2020-09
Pseudogap and Weak Multifractality in 2D Disordered Mott Charge-Density-Wave Insulator
Jianhua Gao; Jae Whan Park; Kiseok Kim, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.20, no.9, pp.6299 - 6305
Publication Date2020-04
Stable Flatbands, Topology, and Superconductivity of Magic Honeycomb Networks
Jongjun M. Lee; Chenhua Geng; Jae Whan Park, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.124, no.13, pp.137002
Publication Date2020-02
Artificial relativistic molecules
Jae Whan Park; Hyo Sung Kim; Brumme, Thomas, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.815
Publication Date2019-09
Emergent honeycomb network of topological excitations in correlated charge density wave
Jae Whan Park; Cho, GY; Jinwon Lee, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.4038