Publication Date2019-12
Moisture proof hole transport layers based on CISe quantum dots for highly stable and large active area perovskite solar cells
Kim J.-Y.; Woonhyuk Baek; Kim S., et al
Publication Date2019-12
Facile synthesis of manganese (II)-doped ZnSe nanocrystals with controlled dimensionality
Jung Ho Yu; Junhee Kim; Taeghwan Hyeon, et al
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v.151, no.24, pp.244701
Publication Date2019-11
Redox-Sensitive Facet Dependency in Etching of Ceria Nanocrystals Directly Observed by Liquid Cell TEM
Jongbaek Sung; Back Kyu Choi; Byunghoon Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.46, pp.18395 - 18399
Publication Date2019-11
Flexible, sticky, and biodegradable wireless device for drug delivery to brain tumors
Jongha Lee; Hye Rim Cho; Gi Doo Cha, et al
Publication Date2019-11
Highly selective microglial uptake of ceria-zirconia nanoparticles for enhanced analgesic treatment of neuropathic pain
Choi B.; Min Soh; Manandhar Y., et al
NANOSCALE, v.11, no.41, pp.19437 - 19447
Publication Date2019-10
Large scale and integrated platform for digital mass culture of anchorage dependent cells
Kyoung Won Cho; Seok Joo Kim; Jaemin Kim, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.4824
Publication Date2019-09
Deep Tumor Penetration of Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles by Click Reaction-Assisted Immune Cell Targeting Strategy
Soo Hong Lee; Ok Kyu Park; Jonghoon Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.35, pp.13829 - 13840
Publication Date2019-07
Dynamically Reversible Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Assemblies for Targeted Amplification of T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumors
Li F.; Liang Z.; Jianan Liu, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.19, no.7, pp.4213 - 4220
Publication Date2019-06
Toxicological Risk Assessments of Iron Oxide Nanocluster- and Gadolinium-Based T1MRI Contrast Agents in Renal Failure Rats
Weng Q.; Hu X.; Zheng J., et al
ACS NANO, v.13, no.6, pp.6801 - 6812
Publication Date2019-06
Reversible and cooperative photoactivation of single-atom Cu/TiO 2 photocatalysts
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Byoung-Hoon Lee; Park S.; Kim M., et al
NATURE MATERIALS, v.18, no.6, pp.620 - +
Publication Date2019-06
Ferrimagnetic Nanochains-Based Mesenchymal Stem Cell Engineering for Highly Efficient Post-Stroke Recovery
Zhang T.; Li F.; Xu Q., et al
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, v.29, no.24, pp.1900603
Publication Date2019-05
Enhanced hot electron generation by inverse metal-oxide interfaces on catalytic nanodiode
Hyosun Lee; Sinmyung Yoon; Jinwoung Jo, et al
FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, v.214, pp.353 - 364
Publication Date2019-05
Cd12Ag32(SePh)36: Non-Noble Metal Doped Silver Nanoclusters
Megalamane S. Bootharaju; Hogeun Chang; Deng G., et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.21, pp.8422 - 8425
Publication Date2019-05
Direct Observation of Redox Mediator-Assisted Solution-Phase Discharging of Li-O-2 Battery by Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy
Donghoon Lee; Hyeokjun Park; Youngmin Ko, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.20, pp.8047 - 8052
Publication Date2019-05
Magnetite/Ceria Nanoparticle Assemblies for Extracorporeal Cleansing of Amyloid-β in Alzheimer's Disease
Dokyoon Kim; Hyek Jin Kwon; Taeghwan Hyeon
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.31, no.19, pp.1807965
Publication Date2019-05
Molecular-Level Understanding of Continuous Growth from Iron-Oxo Clusters to Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Hogeun Chang; Byung Hyo Kim; Jeong H.Y., et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.17, pp.7037 - 7045
Publication Date2019-04
Synthesis of nanostructured P2-Na 2/3 MnO 2 for high performance sodium-ion batteries
Euiyeon Jung; Park Y.; Kunsu Park, et al
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.55, no.33, pp.4757 - 4760
Publication Date2019-03
Synergistic Oxygen Generation and Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging by Manganese Ferrite/Ceria Co-decorated Nanoparticles for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Highly Cited Paper
Jonghoon Kim; Kim H.Y.; Song S.Y., et al
ACS NANO, v.13, no.3, pp.3206 - 3217
Publication Date2019-03
High-performance stretchable conductive nanocomposites: materials, processes, and device applications
Highly Cited Paper
Suji Choi; Sang Ihn Han; Dokyoon Kim, et al
CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, v.48, no.6, pp.1566 - 1595
Publication Date2019-02
Design Principle of Fe-N-C Electrocatalysts: How to Optimize Multimodal Porous Structures?
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Soo Hong Lee; Jiheon Kim; Dong Young Chung, et al