Publication Date2024-01
Inter-model robustness of the forced change of the ENSO-Indian Summer Monsoon Teleconnection
Sundaresan Aneesh; Tamás Bódai
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2023-08
Decadal Indian Ocean Influence on the ENSO-Indian Monsoon Teleconnection Mostly Apparent
Tamás Bódai; Sundaresan Aneesh; June-Yi Lee, et al
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v.128, no.15
Publication Date2022-04
Sources of Nonergodicity for Teleconnections as Cross-Correlations
Tamás Bódai; June-Yi Lee; Sundaresan Aneesh
Publication Date2022-03
Local meridional circulation changes contribute to a projected slowdown of the Indian Ocean Walker circulation
Sahil Sharma; Kyung-Ja Ha; Cai, Wenju, et al
Publication Date2021-12-09
Ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability
Keith B. Rodgers; Sun-Seon Lee; Rosenbloom, Nan, et al
Earth System Dynamics, v.12, no.4, pp.1393 - 1411
Publication Date2021-08
Chapter 20. Future Changes of the ENSO-Indian Summer Monsoon Teleconnection
JYL; Tamas, Bodai
El Nino-teleconnections and beyond, Elsevier
Publication Date2021-04-05
Nonlinear Forced Change and Nonergodicity: The Case of ENSO-Indian Monsoon and Global Precipitation Teleconnections
Tamás Bódai; Gábor Drótos; Kyung-Ja Ha, et al
Frontiers in Earth Science, v.8
Publication Date2021-02
Cold-Season Arctic Amplification Driven by Arctic Ocean-Mediated Seasonal Energy Transfer
Eui-Seok Chung; Kyung-Ja Ha; Axel Timmermann, et al
Earth's Future, v.9, no.2
Publication Date2020-10
Rough basin boundaries in high dimension: Can we classify them experimentally?
Tamás Bódai; Valerio Lucarini
CHAOS, v.30, no.10, pp.103105-0 - 103105-14
Publication Date2020-09
Global stability properties of the climate: Melancholia states, invariant measures, and phase transitions
Valerio Lucarini; Tamás Bódai
NONLINEARITY, v.33, no.9, pp.R59 - R92
Publication Date2020-06
The Theory of Parallel Climate Realizations: A New Framework of Ensemble Methods in a Changing Climate: An Overview
T. Tél; Tamás Bódai; G. Drótos, et al
JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS, v.179, no.5-6, pp.1496 - 1530
Publication Date2020-06
An Efficient Algorithm to Estimate the Potential Barrier Height from Noise-Induced Escape Time Data
Tamás Bódai
Journal of Statistical Physics, v.179, no.5-6, pp.1625 - 1636
Publication Date2020-03
Investigating ENSO and its teleconnections under climate change in an ensemble view - A new perspective
Haszpra T.; Herein M.; Tamás Bódai
EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, v.11, no.1, pp.267 - 280
Publication Date2020-03
The forced response of the El NiñoSouthern Oscillation-Indian monsoon teleconnection in ensembles of Earth System Models
Tamás Bódai; Drótos, Gábor; Herein, Mátyás, et al
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, v.33, no.6, pp.2163 - 2182
Publication Date2020-02
Can we use linear response theory to assess geoengineering strategies?
Tamás Bódai; Lucarini V.; Lunkeit F.
CHAOS, v.30, no.2, pp.023124-0 - 023124-22