Publication Date2023-11
AlphaFold2 Can Predict Single-Mutation Effects
John M. Mcbride; Konstantin Polev; Abdirasulov, Amirbek, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.131, no.21
Publication Date2020-11
αβDCA method identifies unspecific binding but specific disruption of the group I intron by the StpA chaperone
Vladimir Reinharz; Tsvi Tlusty
RNA, v.26, no.11, pp.1530 - 1540
Publication Date2019-04
Automated, customizable and efficient identification of 3D base pair modules with BayesPairing
Roman Sarrazin-Gendron; Vladimir Reinharz; Carlos G. Oliver, et al
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, v.47, no.7, pp.3321 - 3332