Publication Date2020-05
Role of weak interlayer coupling in ultrafast exciton-exciton annihilation in two-dimensional rhenium dichalcogenides
Sangwan Sim; Lee, Doeon; Lee, Jekwan, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.101, no.17, pp.174309
Publication Date2018-10
Generation, transport, and detection of valley-locked spin photocurrent in WSe2-graphene–Bi2Se3 heterostructures
Soonyoung Cha; Minji Noh; Jehyun Kim, et al
NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.13, no.10, pp.910 - 914
Publication Date2018-09
Writing monolithic integrated circuits on a two-dimensional semiconductor with a scanning light probe
Seung-Young Seo; Jaehyun Park; Jewook Park, et al
NATURE ELECTRONICS, v.1, no.9, pp.512 - 517
Publication Date2018-02
Control over Electron-Phonon Interaction by Dirac Plasmon Engineering in the Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator
In C.; Sang Wan Sim; Kim B., et al
NANO LETTERS, v.18, no.2, pp.734 - 739
Publication Date2018-01
Ultrafast quantum beats of anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2
Sangwan Sim; Lee, D; Trifonov, AV, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.9, no.1, pp.351