The Korea Society Of Medical & Biological Engineering
The electrical activities of the brain and heart have been
recorded and analyzed for diverse clinical and pathological
purposes. To construct an implantable system for monitoring
the electrical activity effectively, flexible and stretchable
electrode arrays that are capable of making conformal
contacts on the curvilinear, soft, and dynamic surfaces of the
target organs have been extensively researched. Among
many strategies, the most representative approach is to
fabricate electrode arrays on plastic substrates to achieve
more intimate and conformal contact with the target organs.
Further optimizations are along with the development of
ultrathin and stretchable electronics. Advanced structural
modifications, such as thinning the overall profile or
applying a mesh-like electrode network, have shown the
greatly enhanced conformability and deformability of the
device, providing improved signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs).
Furthermore, brittle but high-performance silicon transistors
have been successfully incorporated in flexible forms by
virtue of mechanics-based active electronics designs,
enabling the construction of high-density arrays comprising
hundreds of multiplexed electrodes that can be individually
addressed by only a few external wires. This review
summarizes these strategies and describes their strengths and
weaknesses, and it suggests possible technologies for nextgeneration
electrode arrays