Publication Date2024-04
KDS2010, a reversible MAO-B inhibitor, extends the lifetime of neural probes by preventing glial scar formation
Chae, Uikyu; Chun, Heejung; Jiwoon Lim, et al
GLIA, v.72, no.4, pp.748 - 758
Publication Date2021-03
Inter-spike mitochondrial Ca2+ release enhances high frequency synaptic transmission
Yang, Che Ho; Kyu-Hee Lee; Ho, Won-Kyung, et al
Journal of Physiology, v.599, no.5, pp.1567 - 1594
Publication Date2021-02
Ultimate COVID-19 Detection Protocol Based on Saliva Sampling and qRT-PCR with Risk Probability Assessment
Joungha Won; Kazan, Hasan Huseyin; Jea Kwon, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.30, no.1, pp.13 - 31
Publication Date2020-11
Excitation-inhibition imbalance leads to alteration of neuronal coherence and neurovascular coupling under acute stress
Kayoung Han; Myunghee Lee; Hyun-Kyoung Lim, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.40, no.47, pp.9148 - 9162
Publication Date2020-06
Optimization of primer sets and detection protocols for SARS-CoV-2 of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using PCR and real-time PCR
Myungsun Park; Joungha Won; Byung Yoon Choi, et al
Publication Date2020-04
Development of a Laboratory-safe and Low-cost Detection Protocol for SARS-CoV-2 of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Joungha Won; Solji Lee; Myungsun Park, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.29, no.2, pp.107 - 119
Publication Date2019-10
Ultrasonic Neuromodulation via Astrocytic TRPA1
Soo-Jin Oh; Jung Moo Lee; Hyun-Bum Kim, et al
CURRENT BIOLOGY, v.29, no.20, pp.3386 - +
Publication Date2019-04
Tweety-homolog (Ttyh) Family Encodes the Pore-forming Subunits of the Swelling-dependent Volume-regulated Anion Channel (VRAC(swell)) in the Brain
Young-Eun Han; Jea Kwon; Joungha Won, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.28, no.2, pp.183 - 215
Publication Date2017-11
In Vivo Imaging of CNS Injury and Disease
Katerina Akassoglou; Mario Merlini; Victoria A. Rafalski, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.37, no.45, pp.10808 - 10816
Publication Date2016-05
mGlu1 receptor mediates homeostatic control of intrinsic excitability through Ih in cerebellar Purkinje cells
Hyun Geun Shim; Sung-Soo Jang; Dong cheol Jang, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, v.115, no.5, pp.2446 - 2455