Cognitive Glioscience Group(인지 교세포과학 그룹)10

Cognitive Glioscience Group인지 교세포과학 그룹

Investigating astrocyte that regulates brain function

- Unraveling the mechanism of synthesis and release of gliotransmitters in astrocyte

- Understanding the mechanism of astrocyte-mediated brain plasticity

- Developing drug candidates targeting astrocyte for AD and other neurodegenerative diseases

GABA synthesis and release from glia: Our group has contributed to the field of gliotransmission (release and function of transmitters from glia) with seminal publications on the channel-mediated GABA and glutamate release from astrocytes...

The molecular mechanism of glutamate and d-serine release from glia: In addition to GABA, we have investigated the molecular mechanism of glutamate release from astrocytes because glutamate has been known to be released from astrocytes but the release mechanism has been controversial...

Astrocytic volume transient and brain plasticity: We have also contributed to the field of glioscience by identifying and characterizing several astrocytic ion channels. We identified that astrocytic two-pore potassium channel K2P, which is responsible for passive conductance with a subunit composition of a heterodimer of TWIK-1 and TREK-1...

Reactive gliosis and neurodegeneration: During the course of delineating the molecular and cellular mechanisms of gliotransmission, we have encountered the important concept of reactive gliosis, which is often referred to as the basis for neuroinflammation. Although pathologic contributions of reactive astrocytes have been implicated in AD and other neurodegenerative diseases, their in vivo functions have remained elusive due to the lack of an appropriate experimental model...

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Cognitive Glioscience Group(인지 교세포과학 그룹)

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