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Continuous Template Growth of Large-Scale Tellurene Films on 1T′-MoTe2

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Continuous Template Growth of Large-Scale Tellurene Films on 1T′-MoTe2
Park, Jin Young; Moon, Min Soo; Lee, Heewoo; Kim, Dongil; Park, Hajung; Jae Woo Kim; Hayoung Ko; Taewoo Ha; Kim, Jeongwoo; Bahk, Young-Mi; Moon, Byoung Hee; Ki Kang Kim; Park, Seung Ryong; Choi, Soobong; Riya Sebait; Jung Ho Kim; Young Hee Lee; Han, Gang Hee
Publication Date
ACS Nano, v.18, no.29, pp.18992 - 19002
American Chemical Society
Use of a template triggers an epitaxial interaction with the depositing material during synthesis. Recent studies have demonstrated that two-dimensional tellurium (tellurene) can be directionally oriented when grown on transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) templates. Specifically, employing a T-phase TMD, such as WTe2, restricts the growth direction even further due to its anisotropic nature, which allows for the synthesis of well-oriented tellurene films. Despite this, producing large-area epitaxial films still remains a significant challenge. Here, we report the continuous synthesis of a 1T′-MoTe2 template via chemical vapor deposition and tellurene via vapor transport. The interaction between helical Te and the 1T′-MoTe2 template facilitates the Te chains to collapse into ribbon shapes, enhancing lateral growth at a rate approximately 6 times higher than in the vertical direction, as confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Interestingly, despite the predominance of the lateral growth, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy analysis of the tellurene ribbons revealed a consistent 60-degree incline at the edges. This suggests that the edges of the tellurene ribbons, where they contact the template surface, are favorable sites for additional Te absorption, which then stacks along the incline angle to expand. Furthermore, controlling the synthesis temperature, duration, and preheating time has facilitated the successful synthesis of tellurene films. The resultant tellurene exhibited hole mobility as high as ∼400 cm2/V s. After removing the underlying metallic template with plasma treatment, the film showed a current on/off ratio of ∼103. This ratio was confirmed by two-terminal field-effect transistor measurements and supported by near-field terahertz (THz) spectroscopy mapping. © 2024 American Chemical Society.
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Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics(나노구조물리 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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