Publication Date2020-10
2D TMD Channel Transistors with ZnO Nanowire Gate for Extended Nonvolatile Memory Applications
Taewook Kim; Donghee Kang; Yangjin Lee, et al
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, v.30, no.40, pp.2004140
Publication Date2021-04-28
Dramatic Reduction of Contact Resistance via Ultrathin LiF in Two-Dimensional MoS2 Field Effect Transistors
Hyunmin Cho; Donghee Kang; Yangjin Lee, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.21, no.8, pp.3503 - 3510
Publication Date2023-07
Ultrafast van der Waals diode using graphene quantum capacitance and Fermi-level depinning
Sungjae Hong; Chang-Ui Hong; Sol Lee, et al
Science advances, v.9, no.29, pp.eadh9770