Publication Date2020-10
A Phenol-Amine Superglue Inspired by Insect Sclerotization Process
Younseon Wang; Eun Je Jeon; Jeehee Lee, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.32, no.43, pp.1 - 9
Publication Date2022-06
Addressing the Shortcomings of Polyphenol-Derived Adhesives: Achievement of Long Shelf Life for Effective Hemostasis
Ju, Jaewon; Jin, Subin; Kim, Sumin, et al
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, v.14, no.22, pp.25115 - 25125
Publication Date2023-06
Ferritin Nanoshuttle for Long-Lasting Self-Healing of Phenolic Hydrogels
Jisoo Shin; Soohwan An; Soojeong Choi, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.23, no.13, pp.5934 - 5942
Publication Date2013-08
Poly(norepinephrine): Ultrasmooth Material-Independent Surface Chemistry and Nanodepot for Nitric Oxide
Seonki Hong; Jihoon Kim; Yun Suk Na, et al
Publication Date2020-09
Skin-attachable and biofriendly chitosan-diatom triboelectric nanogenerator
Jong-Nam Kim; Jeehee Lee; Tae Won Go, et al
NANO ENERGY, v.75, pp.104904
Publication Date2017-11
Therapeutic-Gas-Responsive Hydrogel
Junghong Park; Swapan Pramanick; Dongsik Park, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.29, no.44, pp.1702859