Browsing byAuthor : choisy
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2019-07
Atomically thin three-dimensional membranes of van der Waals semiconductors by wafer-scale growth
Gangtae Jin; Chang-Soo Lee; Liao X., et al
SCIENCE ADVANCES, v.5, no.7, pp.eaaw3180
Publication Date2019-03
Epitaxial van der Waals Contacts between Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayer Polymorphs
Chang-Soo Lee; Oh S.J.; Hoseok Heo, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.19, no.13, pp.1814 - 1820
Publication Date2016-02
Friction and conductance imaging of sp2- and sp3-hybridized subdomains on single-layer graphene oxide
Hyunsoo Lee; Son N.; Jeong H.Y., et al
NANOSCALE, v.8, no.7, pp.4063 - 4069