Publication Date2017-08
Adaptive Encoding of Outcome Prediction by Prefrontal Cortex Ensembles Supports Behavioral Flexibility
Del Arco, A; Park, J; Wood, J, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.37, no.35, pp.8363 - 8373
Publication Date2020-03
An inducible system for in vitro and in vivo Fas activation using FKBP-FRB-rapamycin complex
Seokhwi Kim; Jongpil Shin; Hyunsik Oh, et al
Publication Date2018-09
Antagonistic Roles of PhyA and PhyB in Far-Red Light-Dependent Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana
Junhyun Lim; Ji-Hwan Park; Sukjoon Jung, et al
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, v.59, no.9, pp.1753 - 1764
Publication Date2019-10
Baryon-dark matter coincidence in mirrored unification
Masahiro Ibe; Ayuki Kamada; Shin Kobayashi, et al
physical review d, v.100, no.7, pp.075022 - 1
Publication Date2021-09
Contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal activity to BOLD fMRI
Hyun Seok Moon; Haiyan Jiang; Thanh Tan Vo, et al
Cerebral Cortex, v.31, no.9, pp.4053 - 4067
Publication Date2023-08
Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in counterfactual thinking of decision outcomes
Yun, Mengxi; Nejime, Masafumi; Kawai, Takashi, et al
Science advances, v.9, no.32
Publication Date2015-01
Effects of fictive reward on rat’s choice behavior
Ko-Un Kim; Namjung Huh; Yunsil Jang, et al
Publication Date2019-12
Ensemble representations reveal distinct neural coding of visual working memory
Oh B.-I.; Yee-Joon Kim; Min-Suk Kang
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.5665
Publication Date2024-12
Hierarchical gradients of multiple timescales in the mammalian forebrain
Song, Min; Eun Ju Shin; Seo, Hyojung, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.121, no.51
Publication Date2019-01
Intensiometric biosensors visualize the activity of multiple small GTPases in vivo
Kim J.; Sangkyu Lee; Jung K., et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.211
Publication Date2023-02
Motor-effector dependent modulation of sensory-motor processes identified by the multivariate pattern analysis of EEG activity
Kahyun Choi; Sanghum Woo; Joonyeol Lee
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-01
Multivariate EEG activity reflects the Bayesian integration and the integrated Galilean relative velocity of sensory motion during sensorimotor behavior
Woojae Jeong; Seolmin Kim; JeongJun Park, et al
Communications Biology, v.6, no.1
Publication Date2022-07
Role of anterior cingulate cortex inputs to periaqueductal gray for pain avoidance
Jeong-Yun Lee; Taeyi You; Choong-Hee Lee, et al
Current Biology, v.32, no.13, pp.2834 - 2847
Publication Date2024-06
Soft Bioelectronics Using Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Neuroengineering
Minjeong Kim; Hyunjin Lee; Seonghyeon Nam, et al
Accounts of Chemical Research, v.57, no.11, pp.1633 - 1647
Publication Date2022-03
The role of state uncertainty in the dynamics of dopamine
Mikhael, John G.; HyungGoo R. Kim; Uchida, Naoshige, et al
Current Biology, v.32, no.5, pp.1077 - 1087
Publication Date2020-05
Theia: an advanced optical neutrino detector
Askins M.; Bagdasarian Z.; Barros N., et al