Publication Date2022-01
Liquid-phase water isotope separation using graphene-oxide membranes
Ching, Karin; Baker, Andy; Tanaka, Ryoji, et al
CARBON, v.186, pp.344 - 354
Publication Date2018-08
Longer-Lasting Electron-Based Microscopy of Single Molecules in Aqueous Medium
Huan Wang; K. Hima Nagamanasa; Ye-Jin Kim, et al
ACS NANO, v.12, no.8, pp.8572 - 8578
Publication Date2021-10-12
Machine Learning Approach for Describing Water OH Stretch Vibrations
Kijeong Kwac; Holly Freedman; Minhaeng Cho
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, v.17, no.10, pp.6353 - 6365