Publication Date2020-08
Agar-reduced graphene oxide selectively adsorbs organic dyes and strengthens double-network hydrogels
Tang Tang; Karel Goossens; Sherilyn J. Lu, et al
RSC ADVANCES, v.10, no.49, pp.29287 - 29295
Publication Date2016-05
Controlled Growth of Well-Defined Conjugated Polymers from the Surfaces of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Photoresponse Enhancement via Charge Separation
Wenpeng Hou; Ning-Jiu Zhao; Dongli Meng, et al
ACS NANO, v.10, no.5, pp.5189 - 5198
Publication Date2016-05
Rapid thermal decomposition of confined graphene oxide films in air
Xianjue Chen; Dongli Meng; Bin Wang, et al
CARBON, v.101, pp.71 - 76