Publication Date2024-06
Alpha backgrounds in NaI(Tl) crystals of COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Cavalcante, D.F.F.S., et al
Astroparticle Physics, v.158
Publication Date2024-05
First constraints on WIMP-nucleon effective field theory couplings in an extended energy region from LUX-ZEPLIN
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Al, Musalhi A.K., et al
Physical Review D, v.109, no.9
Publication Date2024-05
Nonproportionality of NaI(Tl) scintillation detector for dark matter search experiments
Lee, S.M.; Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.84, no.5
Publication Date2024-05
Radon concentration measurement with a high-sensitivity radon detector at the Yemilab
Seo, Kyung Min; Kim, Hyunsoo; Yeong Duk Kim, et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.5
Publication Date2023-11
Search for inelastic WIMP-iodine scattering with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jaeyoung Cho, et al
Physical Review D, v.108, no.9
Publication Date2023-11
Search for Boosted Dark Matter in COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical review letters, v.131, no.20
Publication Date2023-11
Production of antihydrogen atoms by 6 keV antiprotons through a positronium cloud
Adrich, P.; Blumer, P.; Caratsch, G., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.83, no.11
Publication Date2023-10
Search for new physics in low-energy electron recoils from the first LZ exposure
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Al, Musalhi A.K., et al
Physical Review d, v.108, no.7
Publication Date2023-08
Search for bosonic super-weakly interacting massive particles at COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical Review D, v.108, no.4
Publication Date2023-07
First Dark Matter Search Results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment
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Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Akerlof, C.W., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.131, no.4
Publication Date2023-07
Background determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Musalhi, A. K. Al, et al
Physical Review D, v.108, no.1
Publication Date2023-06
Search for solar bosonic dark matter annual modulation with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical Review D, v.107, no.12
Publication Date2023-03
Pulse shape discrimination using a convolutional neural network for organic liquid scintillator signals
Jung, K. Y.; Han, B. Y.; E. J. Jeon, et al
Publication Date2023-03
Exploring coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering using reactor electron antineutrinos in the NEON experiment
Jae Jin Choi; Eun Ju Jeon; Kim, J.Y., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.83, no.3
Publication Date2023-03
An induced annual modulation signature in COSINE-100 data by DAMA/LIBRA’s analysis method
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; JaeJin Choi, et al
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-01
A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
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Aalbers, J.; AbdusSalam, S. S.; Abe, K., et al
Publication Date2022-12
Alpha backgrounds in the AMoRE-Pilot experiment
Alenkov, V.; Bae, H.W.; Beyer, J., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.82, no.12
Publication Date2022-02
Searching for low-mass dark matter via the Migdal effect in COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Choi, J.J., et al
Physical Review D, v.105, no.4
Publication Date2022-01
The environmental monitoring system at the COSINE-100 experiment
Kim, H.; Adhikari, G.; Barbosa, de souza E., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.17, no.1
Publication Date2021-11
Strong constraints from COSINE-100 on the DAMA dark matter results using the same sodium iodide target
Adhikari, Govinda; de Souza, Estella B.; Carlin, Nelson, et al
Science Advances, v.7, no.46