Publication Date2023-03
The Potential of Myelin-Sensitive Imaging: Redefining Spatiotemporal Patterns of Myeloarchitecture
Paquola, Casey; Seok-Jun Hong
Biological Psychiatry, v.93, no.5, pp.442 - 454
Publication Date2023-02
Motor-effector dependent modulation of sensory-motor processes identified by the multivariate pattern analysis of EEG activity
Kahyun Choi; Sanghum Woo; Joonyeol Lee
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-02
Automated in-depth cerebral arterial labelling using cerebrovascular vasculature reframing and deep neural networks
Hong, S.-W.; Song, H.-N.; Choi, J.-U., et al
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-02
Compressed sensorimotor-to-transmodal hierarchical organization in schizophrenia
Dong, Debo; Yao, Dezhong; Wang, Yulin, et al
Psychological Medicine, v.53, no.3, pp.771 - 784
Publication Date2023-02
The effect of temporal expectation on the correlations of frontal neural activity with alpha oscillation and sensory-motor latency
Joonyeol Lee
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-02
A vacuum-deposited polymer dielectric for wafer-scale stretchable electronics
Highly Cited Paper
Ja Hoon Koo; Kang, Juyeon; Lee, Sungjun, et al
NATURE ELECTRONICS, v.6, no.2, pp.137 - 145
Publication Date2023-02
Current and Emerging Knowledge in COVID-19
Highly Cited Paper
Yeon Joo Jeong; Yu Mi Wi; Hyunjin Park, et al
Radiology, v.306, no.2
Publication Date2023-02
On the relationship between the social brain, social connectedness, and wellbeing
M. Justin Kim; Sul, Sunhae
Publication Date2023-02
BrainStat: A toolbox for brain-wide statistics and multimodal feature associations
Larivière, S.; Bayrak, Ş.; Vos, de Wael R., et al
NeuroImage, v.266
Publication Date2023-02
Investigations of hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin as a contrast agent for cerebral perfusion imaging
Sayin, Ece Su; Schulman, Jacob; Poublanc, Julien, et al
HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, v.44, no.3, pp.1019 - 1029
Publication Date2023-01
Tracking Emotions From Song Lyrics: Analyzing 30 Years of K-Pop Hits
Jo, Wonkwang; M. Justin Kim
Emotion, v.23, no.6, pp.1658 - 1669
Publication Date2023-01
All-optical observation on activity-dependent nanoscale dynamics of myelinated axons
Junhwan Kwon; Lee, Sungho; Yongjae Jo, et al
Neurophotonics, v.10, no.1
Publication Date2023-01
Multivariate EEG activity reflects the Bayesian integration and the integrated Galilean relative velocity of sensory motion during sensorimotor behavior
Woojae Jeong; Seolmin Kim; JeongJun Park, et al
Communications Biology, v.6, no.1
Publication Date2023-01
Extra-Basal Ganglia Brain Structures Are Related to Motor Reserve in Parkinson's Disease
Youn, Jinyoung; Ji Hye Won; Kim, Mansu, et al
JOURNAL OF PARKINSONS DISEASE, v.13, no.1, pp.39 - 48
Publication Date2023-01
Reprogramming the tumor microenvironment with biotechnology
Kim, Minjeong; Lee, Na Kyeong; Wang, Chi-Pin James, et al
Publication Date2023-01
Tumor-Attentive Segmentation-Guided GAN for Synthesizing Breast Contrast-Enhanced MRI Without Contrast Agents
Kim, Eunjin; Cho, Hwan-Ho; Kwon, Junmo, et al
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, v.11, pp.32 - 43
Publication Date2022-12
Deep brain stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus can alleviate seizure severity and induce hippocampal GABAergic neuronal changes in a pilocarpine-induced epileptic mouse brain
Sungjun Bae; Hyun-Kyoung Lim; Yoonyi Jeong, et al
CEREBRAL CORTEX, v.32, no.24, pp.5530 - 5543
Publication Date2022-12
Structural connectome-based prediction of trait anxiety
Chaebin Yoo; Sujin Park; M. Justin Kim
Brain Imaging and Behavior, v.16, no.6, pp.2467 - 2476
Publication Date2022-12
Whole-brain perfusion mapping in mice by dynamic BOLD MRI with transient hypoxia
DongKyu Lee; Thuy Thi Le; Geun Ho Im, et al
Publication Date2022-12
Improved laminar specificity and sensitivity by combining SE and GE BOLD signals
SoHyun Han; Seulgi Eun; Cho, HyungJoon, et al
NeuroImage, v.264