Publication Date2022-06
Multidimensional Screening Accelerates the Discovery of Rhodium Catalyst Systems for Selective Intra- and Intermolecular C-H Amidations
Jiwoo Jeong; Hoimin Jung; Dongwook Kim, et al
ACS CATALYSIS, v.12, no.13, pp.8127 - 8138
Publication Date2020-12
Rational Computational Design of Fourth-Generation EGFR Inhibitors to Combat Drug-Resistant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Park, Hwangseo; Hoi-Yun Jung; Kewon Kim, et al
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, v.21, no.23, pp.1 - 23
Publication Date2020-11
Kinase and GPCR polypharmacological approach for the identification of efficient anticancer medicines
Hwangseo Park; Hoi-Yun Jung; Shinmee Mah, et al
ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, v.18, no.41, pp.8402 - 8413