Publication Date2020-04
Quantum Hall criticality in Floquet topological insulators
Kun Woo Kim; Dmitry Bagrets; Tobias Micklitz, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.101, no.16, pp.165401
Publication Date2020-04
Anomalous transport in a topological Wannier-Stark ladder
Kun Woo Kim; Alexei Andreanov; Sergej Flach
Physical review research, v.2, no.2, pp.023067
Publication Date2020-03
Optical spin-orbit torque in heavy metal-ferromagnet heterostructures
Gyung-Min Choi; Jung Hyun Oh; Dong-Kyu Lee, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.1482
Publication Date2019-10
Nanomechanical characterization of quantum interference in a topological insulator nanowire
Minjin Kim; Jihwan Kim; Yasen Hou, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.4522
Publication Date2019-07
Giant Zero Bias Anomaly due to Coherent Scattering from Frozen Phonon Disorder in Quantum Point Contacts
Y.-H. Lee; S. Xiao; K. W. Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.123, no.5, pp.056802
Publication Date2019-04
Microscopic mechanism of room-temperature superconductivity in compressed LaH10
Liangliang Liu; Chongze Wang; Seho Yi, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.99, no.14, pp.140501