Publication Date2023-06
Summary for Policymakers
June-Yi Lee
Cambridge University Press, pp.3 - 32
Publication Date2023-06
Ch.4 Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information
June-Yi Lee
Cambridge University Press, pp.553 - 672
Publication Date2023-06
Technical Summary
June-Yi Lee
Cambridge University Press, pp.35 - 144
Publication Date2021-11
chapter 16. Application of precipitation isotopes in pursuit of paleomonsoon reconstruction: an indian perspective
Supriyo Chakrakborty; Amey Datye; Charuta Murkute, et al
Elsevier, pp.413 - 428
Publication Date2021-08
Chapter 20. Future Changes of the ENSO-Indian Summer Monsoon Teleconnection
JYL; Tamas, Bodai
El Nino-teleconnections and beyond, Elsevier
Publication Date2021-02
Ch.4 Multifaceted intraseasonal Modes in the East Asain-Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon Climate
Kyung-Ja Ha; Hyoeun Oh
World Scientific series on Asia-pacific weather and climate, World Scientific, pp.37 - 47
Publication Date2021-02
Ch.4 Multifaceted Intraseasonal Modes in the east Asian-Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon Climate
Kyung-Ja Ha; Hyoeun Oh
World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, World Scientific, pp.37 - 42
Publication Date2020-11
Ch. 21 ENSO in a Changing Climate: Challenges, Paleo-Perspectives, and Outlook
Christina Karamperidou; Malte F. Stuecker; Axel Timmermann, et al
Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.473 - 484
Publication Date2020-11
Ch. 13 ENSO Response to Greenhouse Forcing
Wenju Cai; Agus Santoso; Guojian Wang, et al
Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.289 - 307
Publication Date2020-11
Ch.14 ENSO Atmospheric Teleconnections
Andrea S. Taschetto; Caroline C. Ummenhofer; Malte F. Stuecker, et al
Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Publication Date2020-11
Ch.6 Simple ENSO Models
Fei-Fei Jin; Han-Ching Chen; Sen Zhao, et al
Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.