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Fragile topology protected by inversion symmetry: Diagnosis, bulk-boundary correspondence, and Wilson loop

Cited 10 time in webofscience Cited 9 time in scopus
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Fragile topology protected by inversion symmetry: Diagnosis, bulk-boundary correspondence, and Wilson loop
Yoonseok Hwang; Junyeong Ahn; Bohm-Jung Yang
Publication Date
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.100, no.20, pp.205126
We study the bulk and boundary properties of fragile topological insulators (TIs) protected by inversion symmetry, mostly focusing on the class A of the Altland-Zirnbauer classification. First, we propose an efficient method for diagnosing fragile band topology by using the symmetry data in momentum space. Using this method, we show that among all the possible parity configurations of inversion-symmetric insulators, at least 17% of them have fragile topology in two dimensions while fragile TIs are less than 3% in three dimensions. Second, we study the bulk-boundary correspondence of fragile TIs protected by inversion symmetry. In particular, we generalize the notion of d-dimensional (dD) kth-order TIs, which is normally defined for 0 < k <= d, to the cases with k > d, and show that they all have fragile topology. In terms of the Dirac Hamiltonian, a dD kth-order TI has (k - 1) boundary mass terms. We show that a minimal fragile TI with the filling anomaly can be considered as the dD (d + 1)th-order TI, and all the other dD kth-order TIs with k > (d + 1) can be constructed by stacking dD (d + 1)th-order TIs. Although dD (d + 1)th-order TIs have no in-gap states, the boundary mass terms carry an odd winding number along the boundary, which induces localized charges on the boundary at the positions where the boundary mass terms change abruptly. In the cases with k > (d + 1), we show that the net parity of the system with boundaries can distinguish topological insulators and trivial insulators. Also, by studying the Wilson loop and nested Wilson loop spectra, we show that all the spectral windings of the Wilson loop and nested Wilson loop should be unwound to resolve the Wannier obstruction of fragile TIs. By counting the minimal number of bands required to unwind the spectral winding of the Wilson loop and nested Wilson loop, we determine the minimal number of bands to resolve the Wannier obstruction, which is consistent with the prediction from our diagnosis method of fragile topology. Finally, we show that a (d + 1)D (k - 1)th-order TI can be obtained by an adiabatic pumping of dD kth-order TI, which generalizes the previous study of the 2D third-order TI. ©2019 American Physical Society
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Center for Correlated Electron Systems(강상관계 물질 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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