Publication Date2017-12
4f occupancy and magnetism of rare-earth atoms adsorbed on metal substrates
Aparajita Singha; Romana Baltic; Fabio Donati, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.96, no.22, pp.224418
Publication Date2024-06
A continuous-wave and pulsed X-band electron spin resonance spectrometer operating in ultra-high vacuum for the study of low dimensional spin ensembles
Franklin H. Cho; Juyoung Park; Soyoung Oh, et al
Review of Scientific Instruments, v.95, no.6
Publication Date2021-10-19
A perspective on surface-adsorbed single atom magnets as atomic-scale magnetic memory
F. Donati; A.J. Heinrich
Applied Physics Letters, v.119, no.16
Publication Date2024-10
A quantum sensor for atomic-scale electric and magnetic fields
Esat, Taner; Dmitriy Borodin; Jeongmin Oh, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.19, pp.1466 - 1471
Publication Date2024-05
All-Electrical Driving and Probing of Dressed States in a Single Spin
Hong T. Bui; Christoph Wolf; Yu Wang, et al
ACS Nano, v.18, no.19, pp.12187 - 12193
Publication Date2023-10
An atomic-scale multi-qubit platform
Yu Wang; Yi Chen; Hong T. Bui, et al
Science, v.382, no.6666, pp.87 - 92
Publication Date2022-12
Anisotropic Interaction of Surface-Adsorbed Single Atoms
Jinkyung Kim; Kyungju Noh; Yi Chen, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.22, no.23, pp.9766 - 9772
Publication Date2022-02
Art Contest 2021 SPIN ART
Center for Quantum Nanoscience; Sunny Kim
양자나노과학연구단, 42 p
Publication Date2019-11
Atomic and electronic structures of graphene-decorated graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) as a metal-free photocatalyst under visible-light
Jeong T.; Huiyan Piao; Park S., et al
Publication Date2021-07-06
Atomic manipulation of in-gap states in the beta-Bi2Pd superconductor
Mier, Cristina; Jiyoon Hwang; Jinkyung Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.104, no.4
Publication Date2017-10
Atomic structure governed diversity of exchange-driven spin helices in Fe nanoislands: Experiment and theory
Jeison A. Fischer; Leonid M. Sandratskii; Soo-hyon Phark, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.96, no.14, pp.140407
Publication Date2019-03
Atomic-registry-dependent electronic structures of sulfur vacancies in ReS2 studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy
Seong JunJung; Taewhan Jeong; Jaewoo Shim, et al
CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, v.19, no.3, pp.224 - 229
Publication Date2021-02-12
Atomic-scale intermolecular interaction of hydrogen with a single VOPc molecule on the Au(111) surface
Jinoh Jung; Shinjae Nam; Christoph Wolf, et al
RSC ADVANCES, v.11, no.11, pp.6240 - 6245
Publication Date2017-05
Atomic-scale sensing of the magnetic dipolar field from single atoms.
Taeyoung Choi; William Paul; Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, et al
NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.12, no.5, pp.420 - 424
Publication Date2021-10
Best Oral Presentation Award from 2021 Korean Physics Society (KPS) Fall Meeting
Do Thi Nga
Publication Date2021-04
Best Oral Presentation Award from 2021 Korean Physics Society (KPS) Spring Meeting
Do Thi Nga
Publication Date2021-07
Best Poster Award from the Korean Magnetic Society
Publication Date2021-12
Best Poster Presentation Award from 2021 ICAMD
Publication Date2021-02
Best Thesis Prize from Ewha Woman’s University Physics Department
Publication Date2018-02
Blue-Shifting Intramolecular Charge Transfer Emission by Nonlocal Effect of Hyperbolic Metamaterials
Kwang Jin Lee; Yeon Ui Lee; Fredéric Fages, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.18, no.2, pp.1476 - 1482