Publication Date2022-07
Tuning Positive and Negative Transconductance in Multilayer MoS2 with Indium Contacts
Dong Hwan Choi; Ji, Hyunjin; Han, Gang Hee, et al
Publication Date2022-07
Optical thermometry of anisotropic semimetal of WTe2 using polarization-sensitive microscopy
Choi, Young-Gwan; Doan, Manh-Ha; Gyung-Min Choi
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.81, no.2, pp.121 - 125
Publication Date2022-07
Investigation of stiffness and damping constant of spin waves in a soft magnet Co100-x Bx alloy
Choi, Young-Gwan; Gyung-Min Choi
Applied Physics Letters, v.121, no.1
Publication Date2022-06
Sequential Growth of Vertical Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures on Rollable Aluminum Foil
Joseph Kojo Baidoo; Soo Ho Choi; Agyapong-Fordjour, Frederick Osei-Tutu, et al
ACS Nano, v.16, no.6, pp.8851 - 8859
Publication Date2022-06
Andreev Reflection in the Fractional Quantum Hall State
Gül, Önder; Ronen, Yuval; Si Young Lee, et al
Physical Review X, v.12, no.2
Publication Date2022-06
Open-Framework Iron Fluoride Phosphates Based on Chain, Trinuclear, and Tetranuclear Chain FeIIIBuilding Units: Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties
Jin, Yong; Suheon Lee; Zhu, Tianyu, et al
Inorganic Chemistry, v.61, no.24, pp.9257 - 9268
Publication Date2022-06
Cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer (Cold TAS) at HANARO
H. Hiraka; Ji, S.
Publication Date2022-05
Stability-limiting heterointerfaces of perovskite photovoltaics
Highly Cited Paper
Tan, Shaun; Huang, Tianyi; Yavuz, Ilhan, et al
Nature, v.605, no.7909, pp.268 - 273
Publication Date2022-05
Single-Crystalline Pyramidal TiCxParticles Grown by Biphase Diffusion Synthesis
Yang, Qingshan; Yang, Yajie; Gong, Qianyu, et al
ACS Nano, v.16, no.5, pp.7713 - 7720
Publication Date2022-05
Polarized Raman study of large built-in strain in monolayer WS2 grown on Au/W substrate
Lee, Taegeon; Soo Ho Choi; Kim, Soo Min, et al
Current Applied Physics, v.37, pp.33 - 38
Publication Date2022-05
Spin dynamics of the one-dimensional double chain spin- 12 antiferromagnet KNaCuP2 O7
Murugan, Ganesan Senthil; Suheon Lee; Wang, C., et al
Physical Review B, v.105, no.17
Publication Date2022-05
Site-selective doping mechanisms for the enhanced photocatalytic activity of tin oxide nanoparticles
Woo-Sung Jang; Jin, Yeongrok; Kim, Young-Hoon, et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, v.305
Publication Date2022-05
Boosting in-plane anisotropy by periodic phase engineering in two-dimensional VO2 single crystals
Ran, Meng; Chao Zhao; Xu, Xiang, et al
Fundamental Research, v.2, no.3, pp.456 - 461
Publication Date2022-04
Efficient ambient ammonia synthesis by Lewis acid pair over cobalt single atom catalyst with suppressed proton reduction
Ngoc Quang Tran; Xinghui Liu; Yunhee Cho, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v.10, no.15, pp.8432 - 8439
Publication Date2022-04
Efficient ammonia synthesis via electroreduction of nitrite using single-atom Ru-doped Cu nanowire arrays
Ngoc Quang Tran; Le Thai Duy; Dai Cao Truong, et al
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.58, no.34, pp.5257 - 5260
Publication Date2022-04
Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst with high catalytic activity by interplay between organic molecules and transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
Adofo, Laud Anim; Kim, Hyung Jin; Agyapong-Fordjour, Frederick Osei-Tutu, et al
Materials Today Energy, v.25
Publication Date2022-04
Correlation of Defect-Induced Photoluminescence and Raman Scattering in Monolayer WS2
Jeong, Byeong Geun; Lee, Chanwoo; Kim, Sung Hyuk, et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v.126, no.16, pp.7177 - 7183
Publication Date2022-04
Unveiling a Three Phase Mixed Heterojunction via Phase-Selective Anchoring of Polymer for Efficient Photocatalysis
Amol R. Jadhav; Viet Q. Bui; Yunhee Cho, et al
Publication Date2022-04
Amorphization of Metal Nanoparticles by 2D Twisted Polymer for Super Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Xiaodong Shao; Mengfang Liang; Ashwani Kumar, et al
Publication Date2022-04
Synthesis of large area graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet by chemical vapor deposition
Wu, Qinke; Jeong, Taehwan; Kim, Seong Heon, et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v.900