Publication Date2018-11
VEGF-Grab Enhances the Efficacy of Radiation Therapy by Blocking VEGF-A and Treatment-Induced PlGF
Intae Park; Hannah Yang; Jin-Sung Park, et al
Publication Date2017-06
VEGFR2 but not VEGFR3 governs integrity and remodeling of thyroid angiofollicular unit in normal state and during goitrogenesis
Jeon Yeob Jang; Sung Yong Choi; Intae Park, et al
EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE, v.9, no.6, pp.750 - 769
Publication Date2020-07
VEGFR2 signaling drives meningeal vascular regeneration upon head injury
Koh, B.I.; Hyuek Jong Lee; Pil Ae Kwak, et al
Nature Communications, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 17
Publication Date2022-05
Viewpoints: Dual-blocking antibody against VEGF-A and angiopoietin-2 for treating vascular diseases of the eye
Gou Young Koh; Augustin, Hellmut G.; Campochiaro, Peter A.
Trends in Molecular Medicine, v.28, no.5, pp.347 - 349
Publication Date2019-01
YAP and TAZ Negatively Regulate Prox1 During Developmental and Pathologic Lymphangiogenesis
Cho H.; Jaeryung Kim; Ahn J.H., et al
CIRCULATION RESEARCH, v.124, no.2, pp.225 - 242
Publication Date2020-12
YAP/TAZ direct commitment and maturation of lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells
Sung Yong Choi; Bae H.; Jeong S.-H., et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.519
Publication Date2018-06
YAP/TAZ Initiates Gastric Tumorigenesis via Upregulation of MYC
Choi, W; Kim, J; Park, J, et al
CANCER RESEARCH, v.78, no.12, pp.3306 - 3320
Publication Date2017-09
YAP/TAZ regulates sprouting angiogenesis and vascular barrier maturation
Highly Cited Paper
Jongshin Kim; Yoo Hyung Kim; Jaeryung Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, v.127, no.9, pp.3447 - 3467
Publication Date2020-01
YAP1 and TAZ negatively control bone angiogenesis by limiting hypoxia-inducible factor signaling in endothelial cells
Sivaraj, KK; Dharmalingam, B; Mohanakrishnan, V, et al
ELIFE, v.9, pp.e50770
Publication Date2018
Young Investigator Scholarship Award Hyunsoo Cho Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN),
Publication Date2020-09
코로나 사이언스
코로나 팬데믹 시리즈 3, 도서, 220 p
Publication Date2021-11
코로나 사이언스 : 팬데믹에서 엔데믹으로
고규영; 안지훈; 김정모
코로나 팬데믹 시리즈 5, 도서출판 동아시아, 220 p