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GolpHCat (TMEM87A), a unique voltage-dependent cation channel in Golgi apparatus, contributes to Golgi-pH maintenance and hippocampus-dependent memory

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GolpHCat (TMEM87A), a unique voltage-dependent cation channel in Golgi apparatus, contributes to Golgi-pH maintenance and hippocampus-dependent memory
Hyunji Kang; Ah-reum Han; Zhang, Aihua; Jeong, Heejin; Wuhyun Koh; Jung Moo Lee; Hayeon Lee; Jo, Hee Young; Maria-Solano, Miguel A.; Mridula Bhalla; Jea Kwon; Woo Suk Roh; Jimin Yang; An, Hyun Joo; Choi, Sun; Ho Min Kim; C. Justin Lee
Publication Date
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Nature Publishing Group
Impaired ion channels regulating Golgi pH lead to structural alterations in the Golgi apparatus, such as fragmentation, which is found, along with cognitive impairment, in Alzheimer's disease. However, the causal relationship between altered Golgi structure and cognitive impairment remains elusive due to the lack of understanding of ion channels in the Golgi apparatus of brain cells. Here, we identify that a transmembrane protein TMEM87A, renamed Golgi-pH-regulating cation channel (GolpHCat), expressed in astrocytes and neurons that contributes to hippocampus-dependent memory. We find that GolpHCat displays unique voltage-dependent currents, which is potently inhibited by gluconate. Additionally, we gain structural insights into the ion conduction through GolpHCat at the molecular level by determining three high-resolution cryogenic-electron microscopy structures of human GolpHCat. GolpHCat-knockout mice show fragmented Golgi morphology and altered protein glycosylation and functions in the hippocampus, leading to impaired spatial memory. These findings suggest a molecular target for Golgi-related diseases and cognitive impairment. Impaired ion channels regulating Golgi pH may cause altered Golgi morphology. Here authors identify TMEM87A as a pH-regulation cation channel expressed in astrocytes and neurons and determine the cryo-EM structure to understand the ion permeation pathway.
Appears in Collections:
Pioneer Research Center for Biomolecular and Cellular Structure(바이오분자 및 세포구조 연구단) > Protein Communication Group(단백질 커뮤니케이션 그룹) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
Center for Cognition and Sociality(인지 및 사회성 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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