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Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from 93Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon

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Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from <sup>93</sup>Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon
Jongwon Hwang; Chillery, Thomas; Dozono, Masanori; Imai, Nobuaki; Michimasa, Shin&apos;ichiro; Sumikama, Toshiyuki; Chiga, Nobuyuki; Ota, Shinsuke; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Deuk Soon Ahn; Beliuskina, Olga; Chikaato, Kazuya; Fukuda, Naoki; Hayakawa, Seiya; Ideguchi, Eiji; Iribe, Kotaro; Iwamoto, Chihiro; Kawase, Shoichiro; Kawata, Keita; Kitamura, Noritaka; Kusaka, Kensuke; Masuoka, Shoichiro; Miki, Hareru; Miyatake, Hiroari; Nagae, Daisuke; Nakajima, Ryo; Nakano, Keita; Ohtake, Masao; Omika, Shunichiro; Ong, Hooi Jin; Otsu, Hideaki; Sakurai, Hiroyoshi; Schrock, Philipp; Shimizu, Hideki; Shimizu, Yohei; Sun, Xiaohui; Suzuki, Daisuke; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Takaki, Motonobu; Takechi, Maya; Takeda, Hiroyuki; Takeuchi, Satoshi; Teranishi, Takashi; Tsunoda, Rieko; Wang, He; Watanabe, Yukinobu; Watanabe, Yutaka X.; Wimmer, Kathrin; Yako, Kentaro; Yamada, Hiroki; Yamada, Kazunari; Yamaguchi, Hidetoshi; Yang, Lei; Yanagihara, Rikuto; Yanagisawa, Yoshiyuki; Yoshida, Hiroya; Yoshida, Koichi; Shimoura, Susumu
Publication Date
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, v.2024, no.9
Oxford University Press
Nuclear transmutation is emerging as a promising approach for reprocessing high-level waste, specifically treating long-lived nuclides like Zr-93 from spent fuel. It is essential to accumulate reaction data for these nuclei to advance this prominent treatment and to build a comprehensive understanding of reaction mechanisms. In this study, the residual production cross-sections resulting from proton-induced reactions on Zr-93 were measured at 27 MeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics. At the RI Beam Factory (RIBF), the Optimized Energy Degrading Optics beamline was used to deduce production cross-sections for isotopes Nb91-93, Zr-91,Zr-92, and Y-88,Y-89. Comparing the results from this study and prior research with calculated excitation functions, a moderate agreement is found with theoretical predictions derived from TALYS and CCONE. The measured cross-sections offer valuable insights for future considerations in nuclear-waste treatment facilities. This is particularly relevant for facilities exploring innovative methods, such as accelerator-driven systems.
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Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies(희귀 핵 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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