Publication Date2024-12
Reviewing the experimental achievements of the early years of FAZIA at INFN-LNS
Camaiani, A.; Alba, R.; Baldesi, L., et al
European Physical Journal Plus, v.139, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
Ab initio study of Z(N)=6 magicity
Li, He; Ong, H. J.; Fang, Dong-Liang, et al
Chinese Physics C, v.48, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
Spectroscopy of K 52
Enciu, M.; Obertelli, A.; Doornenbal, P., et al
Physical Review c, v.110, no.6
Publication Date2024-12
Performance of the prototype beam drift chamber for LAMPS at RAON with proton and 12C beams
Kim, H.; Bae, Y.; Heo, C., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.12
Publication Date2024-11
Triaxial deformation of neutron-rich Zr nuclei explored by high-resolution in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy
B. Moon; Korten, W.; Wimmer, K., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.858
Publication Date2024-11
Chiral Symmetry Restoration in Nucleus Observed in Pionic Atoms
Itahashi, K.; Nishi, T.; D. Ahn, et al
Acta Physica Polonica A, v.146, no.5, pp.721 - 724
Publication Date2024-10
Low-lying excited states in 62Ge investigated by multinucleon knock-out reaction
Elekes, Z.; Panin, V; Rodriguez, T. R., et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, v.51, no.10
Publication Date2024-10
Evolution of the two-neutron configuration from 11Li to 13Li
Andre, P.; Corsi, A.; Revel, A., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.857
Publication Date2024-10
Fast neutron generation with few-cycle, relativistic laser pulses at 1 Hz repetition rate
Osvay, K.; Singh, P. K.; Varmazyar, P., et al
Scientific Reports, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2024-09
Development of a fast neutron monitoring detector for the NDPS neutron TOF facility by using Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters
Moon, Dal-Ho; Yang, Sung-Chul; Tae-Sun Park, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1066
Publication Date2024-09
Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from 93Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon
Jongwon Hwang; Chillery, Thomas; Dozono, Masanori, et al
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, v.2024, no.9
Publication Date2024-09
Improving the sd -shell effective interaction obtained from the Daejeon16 nucleon-nucleon interaction
Ik Jae Shin; Smirnova, Nadezda A.; Shirokov, Andrey M., et al
Physical Review c, v.110, no.3
Publication Date2024-09
Characteristics of the prototype LAMPS TPC for low-energy nuclear collisions at RAON
Cheon, Yechan; Lee, Seunghwan; Deuk Soon Ahn, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1066
Publication Date2024-09
Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclei: Recent Studies Based on Parity Doublet Model
Kong, Yuk-Kei; Youngman Kim; Harada, Masayasu
Symmetry, v.16, no.9, pp.1238
Publication Date2024-08
Measurement of nuclear interaction cross sections towards neutron-skin thickness determination
Ponnath, L.; Aumann, T.; Bertulani, C.A., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.855
Publication Date2024-08
Magicity versus Superfluidity around O 28 viewed from the Study of F 30
Kahlbow, J.; Aumann, T.; Sorlin, O., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.8
Publication Date2024-08
First Exploration of Monopole-Driven Shell Evolution above the N=126 Shell Closure: New Millisecond Isomers in Tl 213 and Tl 215
Yeung, T.T.; Morales, A.I.; Wu, J., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.7
Publication Date2024-08
Spectroscopy of deeply bound orbitals in neutron-rich Ca isotopes
Li, P.J.; Lee, J.; Doornenbal, P., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.855
Publication Date2024-08
Inclusive quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering with energy density functional nuclear models
Kim, K. S.; Soonchul Choi; Gil, Hana, et al
Chinese Physics C, v.48, no.8
Publication Date2024-07
Trineutron resonances in the SS-HORSE extension of the no-core shell model
I. A. Mazur; Efimenko, M. K.; Mazur, A. I., et al
Physical Review c, v.110, no.1