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Cation-eutaxy-enabled III-V-derived van der Waals crystals as memristive semiconductors

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Cation-eutaxy-enabled III-V-derived van der Waals crystals as memristive semiconductors
Jihong Bae; Jongbum Won; Taeyoung Kim; Sangjin Choi; Hyesoo Kim; Seung-Hyun Victor Oh; Giyeok Lee; Eunsil Lee; Sijin Jeon; Minjung Kim; Hyung Wan Do; Dongchul Seo; Sungsoon Kim; Youngjun Cho; Hyeonsoo Kang; Bokyeong Kim; Hong Choi; Jihoon Han; Taehoon Kim; Narguess Nemati; Chanho Park; Kyuho Lee; Hongjae Moon; Jeongmin Kim; Hyunggeun Lee; Daniel W. Davies; Dohyun Kim; Seunghun Kang; Byung-Kyu Yu; Jaegyeom Kim; Min Kyung Cho; Jee-Hwan Bae; Soohyung Park; Jungkil Kim; Ha-Jun Sung; Myung-Chul Jung; In Chung; Heonjin Choi; Hyunyong Choi; Dohun Kim; Hionsuck Baik; Jae-Hyun Lee; Heejun Yang; Yunseok Kim; Hong-Gyu Park; Wooyoung Lee; Kee Joo Chang; Miso Kim; Dong Won Chun; Myung Joon Han; Aron Walsh; Aloysius Soon; Jinwoo Cheon; Cheolmin Park; Jong-Young Kim; Wooyoung Shim
Publication Date
Nature Materials, v.23
Nature Publishing Group
Novel two-dimensional semiconductor crystals can exhibit diverse physical properties beyond their inherent semiconducting attributes, making their pursuit paramount. Memristive properties, as exemplars of these attributes, are predominantly manifested in wide-bandgap materials. However, simultaneously harnessing semiconductor properties alongside memristive characteristics to produce memtransistors is challenging. Herein we prepared a class of semiconducting III-V-derived van der Waals crystals, specifically the HxA1-xBX form, exhibiting memristive characteristics. To identify candidates for the material synthesis, we conducted a systematic high-throughput screening, leading us to 44 prospective III-V candidates; of these, we successfully synthesized ten, including nitrides, phosphides, arsenides and antimonides. These materials exhibited intriguing characteristics such as electrochemical polarization and memristive phenomena while retaining their semiconductive attributes. We demonstrated the gate-tunable synaptic and logic functions within single-gate memtransistors, capitalizing on the synergistic interplay between the semiconducting and memristive properties of our two-dimensional crystals. Our approach guides the discovery of van der Waals materials with unique properties from unconventional crystal symmetries. New two-dimensional semiconductors may exhibit properties beyond inherent semiconducting attributes. Here the authors report protonated semiconducting III-V-derived van der Waals crystals with memristive properties.
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Center for Nanomedicine (나노의학 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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