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Cross-shell states in 15C: A test for p-sd interactions

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Cross-shell states in 15C: A test for p-sd interactions
Lois-Fuentes, J.; Fernández-Domínguez, B.; X. Pereira-López; Delaunay, F.; Catford, W.N.; Matta, A.; Orr, N.A.; Duguet, T.; Otsuka, T.; Somà, V.; Sorlin, O.; Suzuki, T.; Achouri, N.L.; Assié, M.; Bailey, S.; Bastin, B.; Blumenfeld, Y.; Borcea, R.; Caamaño, M.; Caceres, L.; Clément, E.; Corsi, A.; Curtis, N.; Deshayes, Q.; Farget, F.; Fisichella, M.; de France, G.; Franchoo, S.; Freer, M.; Gibelin, J.; Gillibert, A.; Grinyer, G.F.; Hammache, F.; Kamalou, O.; Knapton, A.; Kokalova, Tz.; Lapoux, V.; Le Crom, B.; Leblond, S.; Marqués, F.M.; Morfouace, P.; Pancin, J.; Perrot, L.; Piot, J.; Pollacco, E.; Ramos, D.; Regueira-Castro, D.; Rodríguez-Tajes, C.; Roger, T.; Rotaru, F.; Sénoville, M.; de Séréville, N.; Smith, R.; Stanoiu, M.; Stefan, I.; Stodel, C.; Suzuki, D.; Thomas, J.C.; Timofeyuk, N.; Vandebrouck, M.; Walshe, J.; Wheldon, C.
Publication Date
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.845
Elsevier BV
The low-lying structure of 15C has been investigated via the neutron-removal 16C(d,t) reaction. Along with the known bound neutron sd-shell states, unbound p-shell hole states have been observed. The excitation energies and the deduced spectroscopic factors of the cross-shell states are an important measure of the [(p)−1(sd)2] neutron configurations in 15C. Our results show a very good agreement with shell-model calculations using the SFO-tls interaction for 15C. However, this same interaction predicted energies that were too low for the corresponding hole states in the N=9 isotone 17O and adjustment of the p-sd and sd-sd monopole terms was required to match the 17O energies. In addition, the excitation energies and spectroscopic factors have been compared to the first calculations of 15C with the ab initio self-consistent Green's function method employing the NNLOsat interaction. The results show the sensitivity to the size of the N=8 shell gap and highlight the need to go beyond the current truncation scheme. © 2023 The Author(s)
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Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies(희귀 핵 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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