Colloidal nanomaterials of metals, metal oxides, and
metal chalcogenides have attracted great attention in the past decade
owing to their potential applications in optoelectronics, catalysis, and
energy conversion. Introduction of various synthetic routes has
resulted in diverse colloidal nanostructured materials with wellcontrolled size, shape, and composition, enabling the systematic study
of their intriguing physicochemical, optoelectronic, and chemical
properties. Furthermore, developments in the instrumentation have
offered valuable insights into the nucleation and growth mechanism of
these nanomaterials, which are crucial in designing prospective
materials with desired properties. In this perspective, recent advances
in the colloidal synthesis and mechanism studies of nanomaterials of
metal chalcogenides, metals, and metal oxides are discussed. In addition, challenges in the characterization and future direction of the
colloidal nanomaterials are provided.