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Three-year annual modulation search with COSINE-100

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Three-year annual modulation search with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Barbosa, De Souza E.; Carlin, N.; Choi, J.J.; Choi, S.; Ezeribe, A.C.; Franca, L.E.; Ha, C.; Hahn Insik; Hollick, S.J.; Eun Ju Jeon; Jo, J.H.; Joo, H.W.; Woon Gu Kang; Kauer, M.; Hyoun Gyu Kim; Kim, H.J.; Kim, J.; Kyung Won Kim; Sung Hyun Kim; Kim, S.K.; Won Kyung Kim; Yeongduk Kim; Yong Hamb Kim; Young Ju Ko; Hyung Jo Kwon; Lee, D.H.; Eun Kyoung Lee; Hyun Su Lee; Lee, H.S.; Hye Young Lee; In Soo Lee; Jeong Yeon Lee; Lee, J.Y.; Moo Hyun Lee; Seo Hyun Lee; Lee, S.M.; Leonard Douglas; Manzato, B.B.; Maruyama, R.H.; Neal, R.J.; Byung Joo Park; Park, H.K.; Park, H.S.; Kang Soon Park; Park, S.D.; Pitta, R.L.C.; Hafizh Prihtiadi; Se Jin Ra; Rott, C.; Keonah Shin; Scarff, A.; Spooner, N.J.C.; Thompson, W.G.; Yang, L.; Yu, G.H.
Publication Date
Physical Review D, v.106, no.5
American Physical Society
© 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the ""Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.COSINE-100 is a direct detection dark matter experiment that aims to test DAMA/LIBRA's claim of dark matter discovery by searching for a dark-matter-induced annual modulation signal with NaI(Tl) detectors. We present new constraints on the annual modulation signal from a dataset with a 2.82 yr livetime utilizing an active mass of 61.3 kg for a total exposure of 173 kg·yr. This new result features an improved event selection that allows for both lowering the energy threshold to 1 keV and a more precise time-dependent background model. In the 1-6 and 2-6 keV energy intervals, we observe best-fit values for the modulation amplitude of 0.0067±0.0042 and 0.0051±0.0047 counts/(day·kg·keV), respectively, with a phase fixed at 152.5 days.
Appears in Collections:
Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies(희귀 핵 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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