Publication Date2025-08
Development of MMC-Based 63Ni β Spectrometers for a Kev Sterile Neutrino Search
D.Y. Lee; J.S. Chung; Jin A Jeon, et al
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v.35, no.5
Publication Date2025-01
Light Channel Signal Analysis with the Lithium Molybdate Crystal R&D Detectors for AMoRE-II Experiments
B. Sharma; S. C. Kim; W. T. Kim, et al
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v.218, pp.92 - 100
Publication Date2025-01
A Study of Event Position Dependence for the AMoRE-II R&D detectors with Li2MoO4 Crystal Absorbers
W. T. Kim; S. C. Kim; B. Sharma, et al
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v.218, pp.83 - 91
Publication Date2024-12
Search for proton decay via p → e+η and p → μ+η with a 0.37 Mton-year exposure of Super-Kamiokande
Taniuchi, N.; Abe, K.; Abe, S., et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.11
Publication Date2024-12
Lowering threshold of NaI(Tl) scintillator to 0.7 keV in the COSINE-100 experiment
G.H. Yu; Carlin, N.; J.Y. Cho, et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.12
Publication Date2024-11
An Analysis Method of Heat and Light Detection with Scintillating Crystals
H. S. Lim; J. S. Chung; Jo, H. S., et al
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v.217, pp.374 - 382
Publication Date2024-11
Overcoming photobleaching in imaging of single barium atoms in a solid xenon matrix
Yvaine, M.; Fairbank, D.; Soderstrom, J., et al
Physical Review Research, v.6, no.4
Publication Date2024-11
Constraints on Covariant Dark-Matter-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Al, Musalhi A.K., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.22
Publication Date2024-11
Supernova electron-neutrino interactions with xenon in the nEXO detector
Hedges, S.; Al, Kharusi S.; Angelico, E., et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.9
Publication Date2024-10
Development of a Data Overflow Protection System for Super-Kamiokande to Maximize Data from Nearby Supernovae
Mori, M.; Abe, K.; Hayato, Y., et al
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, v.2024, no.10
Publication Date2024-10
White paper on light sterile neutrino searches and related phenomenology
Acero, M.A.; Arguelles, C.A.; Hostert, M., et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, v.51, no.12
Publication Date2024-10
Upgrade of the NaI(Tl) crystal encapsulation for the NEON experiment
Choi, J.J.; E.J.Jeon; Kim, J.Y., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.10
Publication Date2024-10
Measurements of the charge ratio and polarization of cosmic-ray muons with the Super-Kamiokande detector
Kitagawa, H.; Tada, T.; Abe, K., et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.8
Publication Date2024-09
Yemilab, a new underground laboratory in Korea
Yeongduk Kim; Hyun Su Lee
AAPPS Bulletin, v.34, no.1
Publication Date2024-09
Combined Pre-supernova Alert System with KamLAND and Super-Kamiokande
Abe, S.; Eizuka, M.; Futagi, S., et al
Astrophysical Journal, v.973, no.2
Publication Date2024-08
Waveform simulation for scintillation characteristics of NaI(Tl) crystal
Choi, J.J.; Ha, C.; Eunju Jeon, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1065
Publication Date2024-08
Second gadolinium loading to Super-Kamiokande
Abe, K.; Bronner, C.; Hayato, Y., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1065
Publication Date2024-08
Probing the scalar WIMP-pion coupling with the first LUX-ZEPLIN data
Zweig, E.A.; Yeh, M.; Xu, J., et al
Communications Physics, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2024-08
The design, implementation, and performance of the LZ calibration systems
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Al, Musalhi A.K., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.8
Publication Date2024-07
Simulation Study of Magnetic Microcalorimeters for Rare Event Search Experiments
D. Y. Lee; J. S. Chung; Jin A Jeon, et al
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v.216, pp.217 - 224