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Constraints on Covariant Dark-Matter-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment

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Constraints on Covariant Dark-Matter-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Al, Musalhi A.K.; Alder, F.; Amarasinghe, C.S.; Ames, A.; Anderson, T.J.; Angelides, N.; Araujo, H.M.; Armstrong, J.E.; Arthurs, M.; Baker, A.; Balashov, S.; Bang, J.; Barillier, E.E.; Bargemann, J.W.; Beattie, K.; Benson, T.; Bhatti, A.; Biekert, A.; Biesiadzinski, T.P.; Birch, H.J.; Bishop, E.J.; Blockinger, G.M.; Boxer, B.; Brew, C.A.J.; Bras, P.; Burdin, S.; Buuck, M.; Carmona-Benitez, M.C.; Carter, M.; Chawla, A.; Chen, H.; Cherwinka, J.J.; Chin, Y.T.; Chott, N.I.; Converse, M.V.; Cottle, A.; Cox, G.; Curran, D.; Dahl, C.E.; David, A.; Delgaudio, J.; Dey, S.; De, Viveiros L.; Di, Felice L.; Ding, C.; Dobson, J.E.Y.; Druszkiewicz, E.; Eriksen, S.R.; Fan, A.; Fearon, N.M.; Fiorucci, S.; Flaecher, H.; Fraser, E.D.; Fruth, T.M.A.; Gaitskell, R.J.; Geffre, A.; Genovesi, J.; Ghag, C.; Gibbons, R.; Gokhale, S.; Green, J.; Van, Der Grinten M.G.D.; Haiston, J.J.; Hall, C.R.; Han, S.; Hartigan-O'connor, E.; Haselschwardt, S.J.; Hernandez, M.A.; Hertel, S.A.; Heuermann, G.; Homenides, G.J.; Horn, M.; Huang, D.Q.; Hunt, D.; Jacquet, E.; James, R.S.; Johnson, J.; Kaboth, A.C.; Kamaha, A.C.; Kannichankandy, M.; Khaitan, D.; Khazov, A.; Khurana, I.; J.D. Kim; Kim, J.; Kingston, J.; Kirk, R.; Kodroff, D.; Korley, L.; Korolkova, E.V.; Kraus, H.; Kravitz, S.; Kreczko, L.; Kudryavtsev, V.A.; D.S. Leonard; Lesko, K.T.; Levy, C.; Lin, J.; Lindote, A.; Linehan, R.; Lippincott, W.H.; Lopes, M.I.; Lorenzon, W.; Lu, C.; Luitz, S.; Majewski, P.A.; Manalaysay, A.; Mannino, R.L.; Maupin, C.; McCarthy, M.E.; McDowell, G.; McKinsey, D.N.; McLaughlin, J.; McLaughlin, J.B.; McMonigle, R.; Miller, E.H.; Mizrachi, E.; Monte, A.; Monzani, M.E.; Morales, Mendoza J.D.; Morrison, E.; Mount, B.J.; Murdy, M.; Murphy, A.St.J.; Naylor, A.; Nelson, H.N.; Neves, F.; Nguyen, A.; Nikoleyczik, J.A.; Olcina, I.; Oliver-Mallory, K.C.; Orpwood, J.; Palladino, K.J.; Palmer, J.; Pannifer, N.J.; Parveen, N.; Patton, S.J.; Penning, B.; Pereira, G.; Perry, E.; Pershing, T.; Piepke, A.; Qie, Y.; Reichenbacher, J.; Rhyne, C.A.; Riffard, Q.; Rischbieter, G.R.C.; Riyat, H.S.; Rosero, R.; Rushton, T.; Rynders, D.; Santone, D.; Sazzad, A.B.M.R.; Schnee, R.W.; Shaw, S.; Shutt, T.; Silk, J.J.; Silva, C.; Sinev, G.; Siniscalco, J.; Smith, R.; Solovov, V.N.; Sorensen, P.; Soria, J.; Stancu, I.; Stevens, A.; Stifter, K.; Suerfu, B.; Sumner, T.J.; Szydagis, M.; Taylor, W.C.; Tiedt, D.R.; Timalsina, M.; Tong, Z.; Tovey, D.R.; Tranter, J.; Trask, M.; Tripathi, M.; Tronstad, D.R.; Vacheret, A.; Vaitkus, A.C.; Valentino, O.; Velan, V.; Wang, A.; Wang, J.J.; Wang, Y.; Watson, J.R.; Webb, R.C.; Weeldreyer, L.; Whitis, T.J.; Williams, M.; Wisniewski, W.J.; Wolfs, F.L.H.; Woodford, S.; Woodward, D.; Wright, C.J.; Xia, Q.; Xiang, X.; Xu, J.; Yeh, M.; Zweig, E.A.
Publication Date
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.22
American Physical Society
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a dual-phase xenon time project chamber operating in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA. We report on the results of a relativistic extension to the nonrelativistic effective field theory (NREFT) from a 5.5 t fiducial mass and 60 live days of exposure. We present constraints on couplings from covariant interactions arising from the coupling of vector, axial currents, and electric dipole moments of the nucleon to the magnetic and electric dipole moments of the weakly interacting massive particle which cannot be described by recasting previous results described by an NREFT. Using a profile-likelihood ratio analysis, in an energy region between 0 keVnr to 270 keVnr, we report 90% confidence level exclusion limits on the coupling strength of five interactions in both the isoscalar and isovector bases.
Appears in Collections:
Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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