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Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system

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Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system
Duer, M.; Aumann, T.; Gernhauser, R.; Panin, V.; Paschalis, S.; Rossi, D.M.; Achouri, N.L.; Deuk Soon Ahn; Baba, H.; Bertulani, C.A.; Bohmer, M.; Boretzky, K.; Caesar, C.; Chiga, N.; Corsi, A.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Douma, C.A.; Dufter, F.; Elekes, Z.; Feng, J.; Fernandez-Dominguez, B.; Forsberg, U.; Fukuda, N.; Gasparic, I.; Ge, Z.; Gheller, J.M.; Gibelin, J.; Gillibert, A.; Kevin Insik Hahn; Halasz, Z.; Harakeh, M.N.; Hirayama, A.; Holl, M.; Inabe, N.; Isobe, T.; Kahlbow, J.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Da Hee KIM; Sunji KIM; Kobayashi, T.; Kondo, Y.; Korper, D.; Koseoglou, P.; Kubota, Y.; Kuti, I.; Li, P.J.; Lehr, C.; Lindberg, S.; Liu, Y.; Marques, F.M.; Masuoka, S.; Matsumoto, M.; Mayer, J.; Miki, K.; Monteagudo, B.; Nakamura, T.; Nilsson, T.; Obertelli, A.; Orr, N.A.; Otsu, H.; Park, S.Y.; Parlog, M.; Potlog, P.M.; Reichert, S.; Revel, A.; Saito, A.T.; Sasano, M.; Scheit, H.; Schindler, F.; Shimoura, S.; Simon, H.; Stuhl, L.; Suzuki, H.; Symochko, D.; Takeda, H.; Tanaka, J.; Togano, Y.; Tomai, T.; Tornqvist, H.T.; Tscheuschner, J.; Uesaka, T.; Wagner, V.; Yamada, H.; Yang, B.; Yang, L.; Yang, Z.H.; Yasuda, M.; Yoneda, K.; Zanetti, L.; Zenihiro, J.; Zhukov, M.V.
Publication Date
Nature, v.606, no.7915, pp.678 - 682
Nature Research
© 2022, The Author(s).A long-standing question in nuclear physics is whether chargeless nuclear systems can exist. To our knowledge, only neutron stars represent near-pure neutron systems, where neutrons are squeezed together by the gravitational force to very high densities. The experimental search for isolated multi-neutron systems has been an ongoing quest for several decades1, with a particular focus on the four-neutron system called the tetraneutron, resulting in only a few indications of its existence so far2–4, leaving the tetraneutron an elusive nuclear system for six decades. Here we report on the observation of a resonance-like structure near threshold in the four-neutron system that is consistent with a quasi-bound tetraneutron state existing for a very short time. The measured energy and width of this state provide a key benchmark for our understanding of the nuclear force. The use of an experimental approach based on a knockout reaction at large momentum transfer with a radioactive high-energy 8He beam was key.
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Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies(희귀 핵 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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