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A first glimpse at the shell structure beyond 54Ca: Spectroscopy of 55K, 55Ca, and 57Ca

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A first glimpse at the shell structure beyond 54Ca: Spectroscopy of 55K, 55Ca, and 57Ca
Koiwai, T.; Wimmer, K.; Doornenbal, P.; Obertelli, A.; Barbieri, C.; Duguet, T.; Holt, J.D.; Miyagi, T.; Navratil, P.; Ogata, K.; Shimizu, N.; Soma, V.; Utsuno, Y.; Yoshida, K.; Achouri, N.L.; Baba, H.; Browne, F.; Calvet, D.; Chateau, F.; Chen, S.; Chiga, N.; Corsi, A.; Cortes, M.L.; Delbart, A.; Gheller, J.-M.; Giganon, A.; Gillibert, A.; Hilaire, C.; Isobe, T.; Kobayashi, T.; Kubota, Y.; Lapoux, V.; Liu, H.N.; Motobayashi, T.; Murray, I.; Otsu, H.; Panin, V.; Paul, N.; Rodriguez, W.; Sakurai, H.; Sasano, M.; Steppenbeck, D.; Stuhl, L.; Sun, Y.L.; Togano, Y.; Uesaka, T.; Yoneda, K.; Aktas, O.; Aumann, T.; Chung, L.X.; Flavigny, F.; Franchoo, S.; Gasparic, I.; Gerst, R.-B.; Gibelin, J.; Kevin Insik Hahn; Da Hee KIM; Kondo, Y.; Koseoglou, P.; Lee, J.; Lehr, C.; Linh, B.D.; Lokotko, T.; MacCormick, M.; Moschner, K.; Nakamura, T.; Su-yeon Park; Rossi, D.; Sahin, E.; Soderstrom, P.-A.; Sohler, D.; Takeuchi, S.; Toernqvist, H.; Vaquero, V.; Wagner, V.; Wang, S.; Werner, V.; Xu, X.; Yamada, H.; Yan, D.; Yang, Z.; Yasuda, M.; Zanetti, L.
Publication Date
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.827
Elsevier B.V.
States in the N=35 and 37 isotopes 55,57Ca have been populated by direct proton-induced nucleon removal reactions from 56,58Sc and 56Ca beams at the RIBF. In addition, the (p,2p) quasi-free single-proton removal reaction from 56Ca was studied. Excited states in 55K, 55Ca, and 57Ca were established for the first time via in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. Results for the proton and neutron removal reactions from 56Ca to states in 55K and 55Ca for the level energies, excited state lifetimes, and exclusive cross sections agree well with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations using different approaches. The observation of a short-lived state in 57Ca suggests a transition in the calcium isotopic chain from single-particle dominated states at N=35 to collective excitations at N=37.
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Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies(희귀 핵 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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