Publication Date2018-06
Freeze-Casting Produces a Graphene Oxide Aerogel with a Radial and Centrosymmetric Structure
Chunhui Wang; Xiong Chen; Bin Wang, et al
ACS NANO, v.12, no.6, pp.5816 - 5825
Publication Date2021-10-15
Graphene oxide aerogel ‘ink’ at room temperature, and ordered structures by freeze casting
Chunhui Wang; Ming Huang; Rodney S. Ruoff
Carbon, v.183, pp.620 - 627
Publication Date2019-12
Highly elastic conductive sponges by joule heat-driven selective polymer reinforcement at reduced graphene oxide junctions
Fakhre Alam Khan; Agha Aamir Jan; Yoojoo Yun, et al
CARBON, v.155, pp.138 - 146
Publication Date2017-08
Lightweight and Ultrastrong Polymer Foams with Unusually Superior Flame Retardancy
Linli Xu; Linhong Xiao; Pan Jia, et al
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v.9, no.31, pp.26392 - 26399