Publication Date2016-12
Double-Layer Buffer Template to Grow Commensurate Epitaxial BaBiO3 Thin Films
Han Gyeol Lee; Yoonkoo Kim; Sang Woon Hwang, et al
APL MATERIALS, v.4, no.12, pp.126106
Publication Date2017-05
Interface Control of Ferroelectricity in an SrRuO3/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 Capacitor and its Critical Thickness
Yeong Jae Shin; Yoonkoo Kim; Sung Jin Kang, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.29, no.19, pp.1602795
Publication Date2017-09
Oxygen Partial Pressure during Pulsed Laser Deposition: Deterministic Role on Thermodynamic Stability of Atomic Termination Sequence at SrRuO3/BaTiO3 Interface
Yeong Jae Shin; Lingfei Wang; Yoonkoo Kim, et al
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v.9, no.32, pp.27305 - 27312
Publication Date2018-09
Unconventional anomalous Hall effect from antiferromagnetic domain walls of N d2 i r2 O7 thin films
Woo Jin Kim; John H. Gruenewald; Taekoo Oh, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.98, no.12, pp.125103