Publication Date2018-10
Accessing the Intrinsic Spin Transport in a Topological Insulator by Controlling the Crossover of Bulk-to-Surface Conductance
Wonhee Ko; Giang D. Nguyen; Hoil Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.121, no.17, pp.176801
Publication Date2020-02
Enhancing the local conductivity of Cu films using temperature-assisted agglomerated Cu nanostructures
Kim, Jiwoong; Ju, Tae-Seong; Song, Sehwan, et al
PhyJournal of Physics D: Applied sics, v.53, no.9, pp.09LT02
Publication Date2017-06
Te vacancy-driven superconductivity in orthorhombic molybdenum ditelluride
Suyeon Cho; Se Hwang Kang; Ho Sung Yoo, et al
2D MATERIALS, v.4, no.2, pp.021030