Publication Date2017-08
Correlated electronic states at domain walls of a Mott-charge-density-wave insulator 1T-TaS2
Doohee Cho; Gyeongcheol Gye; Jinwon Lee, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.8, no.1, pp.392
Publication Date2016-11
Correlation between magnon and magnetic symmetries of hexagonal RMnO3 (R = Er, Ho, Lu)
Thi Minh Hien Nguyen; Thi Huyen Nguyen; Xiang-Bai Chen, et al
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, v.1124, no.SI, pp.103 - 109
Publication Date2024-02
Dual Higgs modes entangled into a soliton lattice in CuTe
Seongjin Kwon; Hyunjin Jung; Sangjin Lee, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2017-08
Heat transport study of the spin liquid candidate 1T-TaS2
Y. J. Yu; Y. Xu; Lanpo He, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.96, no.8, pp.081111
Publication Date2020-08
Honeycomb-Lattice Mott Insulator on Tantalum Disulphide
Jinwon Lee; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Andrei Catuneanu, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.125, no.9, pp.096403
Publication Date2017-10
Moiré Superstructure and Dimensional Crossover of 2D Electronic States on Nanoscale Lead Quantum Films
Hyo Sung Kim; Gyeongcheol Gye; Sung-Hoon Lee, et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.7, no.1, pp.12735
Publication Date2017-11
Switching Magnetism and Superconductivity with Spin-Polarized Current in Iron-Based Superconductor
Seokhwan Choi; Hyoung Joon Choi; Jong Mok Ok, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.119, no.22, pp.227001
Publication Date2017-08-01
The low-temperature highly correlated quantum phase in the charge-density-wave 1T-TaS2 compound
Marie Kratochvilova; Adrian D. Hillier; Andrew R. Wildes, et al
Publication Date2024-06
Topological Complex Charge Conservation in Nontrivial Z2 × Z2 Domain Walls
Jhinhwan Lee; Hae-Ryong Park; Kyung-Hwan Jin, et al
Advanced Materials, v.36, no.25